Food vlog : 4 #Indonesia's delicious food 'Aayam Bali'

in food •  7 years ago 

Around the chicken meat everyday items. No one likes to eat the same cooking every day. It would be great to cook chicken meat differently, is not it? Bali is an interesting food in Indonesia. Ayam Bali chicken is cooked with aim sand sand. Aiyam Bali food to get a different taste of chicken meat.

Learn Indonesia's Favorite Food Ayah Bali Cooking Recipe-


Chicken pieces (frozen) 200 grams, 2 tablespoons of oil, 3 tablespoons chopped onion, 1 table spoon of red pepper, 1 tablespoon of garlic, 1 table spoon of garlic, 3 tablespoons of salad bowl, salt, sugar quantum, Soy sauce 1 table spoon, coconut milk powder, chicken stock half cup

Preparation method:

Add salt, ginger and garlic paste to the poultry pieces and keep them aside. Now roast the oil in the pot and fry them with light brown brown onions. Keep stirring it with chillies, cardamom, garlic, and nuts.

After a while, keep on storing chicken stock and chicken pieces. After a while, continue to stir with coconut milk, soy sauce, sugar and salt until gravy is thick. Let's go down and serve hot.

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Thanks for sharing your recipe! I look forward to trying it.

Ok dear. Thank you.