I've just learned I can drink as much coffee as I want. Cheers!

in food •  8 years ago 

You know when you're reading Facebook and the elusive positive article pops up in your feed? This morning the Facebook gods fed me with promises of liquid renewal, eternal life through the bitter, life-giving liquid better known as coffee.

I like coffee. A lot. A Forrest Gump likes chocolate lot. Coffee and I have a steamy relationship of give and take. It gives, I take. (I also like chocolate a lot, but that's it's own very sexy tale.)

I have to love the stuff. I'm a writer, and in order to buy into my creativity, I must (literally) wander coffeed paths and smell coffee smells. Even my favorite novel heroines are dedicated coffee drinkers. Let's not forget that coffee to the female writer is whisky to the male writer on the big screen.

I've tried to quit the stuff. After all, the Facebook gods have fed me less tender morsels: promises that too much liquid life will cause a swift liquid death. Dr. Peter Martin wants me to know that's not true. He states, "If you drink that much, it's not going to do you any harm, and it might actually help you. A lot." Dr. Peter Martin wants me to be happy. Find the full article here: [http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/11/the-case-for-drinking-as-much-coffee-as-you-like/265693/].

Dr. Martin, I want you to know that I take your science seriously. As I type, I may or may not be staring down one glass of cold brew coffee, one carafe of French Press, one dallah (pot) of Arabic coffee and one mug of brewed coffee complete with the dregs. I'm gonna make the most of this news by starting my day off with a holy dose of caffeine and maybe circumambulate a Starbucks later.

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Good because I drink a lot of coffee! Thanks for that @honeyscribe

No problem! I'm happy I can pass on the good news.

Best news ever . Its 8:40am and I'm 5 cups deep already lol

Do you feel free? LOL. It's quite a weight off.

I feel free too. I drink a shit ton of coffee, but sometimes it makes me agitated and restless to the point of counterproductivity, but the racing thoughts have had the good effect of keeping me creativity and introspective.

I will add you to my follow list and check out what else you've posted. I haven't posted much yet.

I feel the same about creativity and introspection. I'm about to check out your posts as well!

Love coffee and chocolate! I've recently come across a similar article about chocolate (unfortunately in German, so I won't share it here), but the essence was that chocolate has many positive influences on health, may delay onset of dementia and studies found that chocolate eaters tend to have a healthier weight than those who don't indulge in the sweet ;)

It's been a long while since I could read German fluently, but if you change your mind on sharing, I'll give it a go!

I've dug up the article and translated the essence ;)
For more information about the benefits of chocolate read my post:
"5 Reasons why Chocolate is good for you"
Hope you like it

Finished off my second cup of the morning as I read this.

Congratulations! What cup are you on now?

The liquid of the gods. I bleed the stuff!

Ah, we have the same blood type!

I love this post so much. I actually only average a cup a day, I am not a caffeine addict by a stretch, I can go days without it even, but I LOVE coffee. Flavor, body, everything. :)

Also, I know want that set I see in the last image there. {consumerism intensifies}


Your post cracked me up, and was good news to me when I first heard it. Then I talked to a friend who's a hardcore science-meets-nutrition guy and he was telling me how caffeine damaged stem cells and hurt longevity. Then there's this guy with a completely opposite opinion: https://blog.phoreveryoung.com/tag/coffee-causes-the-feminization-of-men-and-the-masculization-of-women/
In the end, everything we put in our body has a positive side and a negative side to it. And if the positives outweigh the negatives, and especially if one of those positives is the simple fact that you enjoy it, then keep enjoying your life. And remember that there is an industry that rewards scientists and journalists for writing "counter-intuitive" articles. So this year's "coffee is good" article will be replaced by next year's "coffee is bad" article, which will set the stage for the next year's "coffee is good again" article, and so on and so on.

And for the next step in your healthy coffee addiction, try this: https://www.bulletproofexec.com/how-to-make-butter-coffee-bulletproof/

note that you're highlighting the bringer of the message, dr. martin. he's not the one conducting all those studies though. don't 'believe' these people, believe in your own rhetoric: that it's true that there is a scientific consensus that coffee poses no risk and if anything, that it helps your health, so it seems to be safe to assume that you can drink coffee. take into account that this is just about black coffee, not that starbucks you're talking about;)

You can eat whatever you want!!!

but can you face the consequences?

I'm not faced with the consequences, and he .

Good for me because it makes me a nicer person or good for me because it will help me live longer?

Funny post, I have own experience to spend more than 30 shots in one single day.
But after this day my body was told to me "no more coffee" about 3 days.

BTW. I don't have any coffee addiction, and can live without coffee lot of days even month.

But I like coffee, and like to brew good coffee for good people.
Also some latte-art allure me and I was make a few post with my trying in art:)

Just on a side note since everyone here drinks coffee, i'd like to recommend the Aeropress, i just bought my second one for work and i absolutely love it. For those of you who haven't tried it or are still using a french press i can;t recommend a better coffee maker for its price.

Very nice! I was at 6-7 cups per day before. Then I started reading articles to cut them down and I did (2 per day). But now I feel relieved and NOT guilty :) I can enjoy many cups per day again. Actually, more than 6 made me anxious but less than that is perfect. Thanks for the article. Following..:)

lucky you, coffee gives me so much anxiety

Coffee tastes so amazing, but I do tend to over do it. So I'm always trying to take breaks and to completely stop drinking coffee, but I always go crawling back :P.

The toughest part for me when quitting is that a hot cup of coffee compliments chocolates and sweets, they just taste so much better. :)

This makes coffee drinkers happy! ☕️

how did you get that mug emoticon? looks awesome

I just took it from my iphone keyboard as if I was sending a text message and it works on steemit 😉