How Food Can Help You to Calm Your Mind

in food •  5 years ago  (edited)

The whole world is struggling with anxiety, depression, and competition of the rat race. People use different means of calmness and food is one of the biggest sources to calm your mind. There are different types of foods that reduce anxiety however not everything is my favorite.
Here in this article, we are going to discuss food that you can choose to eat to fight jittery, uneasiness, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or any similar disorders. We highly recommend not just to rely on food but also practice exercise, meditation, good sleep, and other means of mood-boosting practices. But here in this article we will reveal food that has strong connections with your mood swings.

Salmon Fish

In a survey and research conducted for years, seafood had been rated number one food to boost your mood and Salmon Fish, sardines are highly recommended foods that reduce anxiety. Such food is rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acid that has several benefits for a human body. Right from mood swings, reducing anxiety to controlling Obstetrics & Gynaecological disorders.

Dark Chocolate

A cube of dark chocolate in your regular diet can help you in drastically reducing mental disorders caused by anxiety and depression. Dark chocolates are full of flavonols that work as antioxidants to benefit your brain. Your mind learns the ability to deal with anxiety in a much better fashion. Dark chocolate also soothes your brain with its taste while comforting your mood swings and disorders. Dark chocolates increase your level of neurotransmitter serotonin that helps you reduce stress and calm your mind.


Chamomile is one of the soothing herbs that reduce anxiety and depression. It is consumed in the form of a tea that is prepared by daisy-like flowers of the Asteraceae plant family. These dried flowers are infused in hot water to get the essence of the flower that soothes your mind and releases depression. People also use Caffeine, Tea and other tea spirits to relax their mental health.

Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds and Sunflower Seeds are rich in Minerals and Magnesium. Magnesium level has a strong association with mood swings and mental disorders causing anxiety and depression. Half cup of Pumpkin, Squash, Sesame, or Sunflower seeds are a rich source of magnesium and is recommended to destress and boost mental health.


Walnut not only looks like a human brain but it also boosts your mood with the presence of alpha-linolenic acid. It not only improves your remembering power but also mitigates symptoms of depression. Antioxidants present in walnuts are super rich in Omega-3 fatty acid that decreases inflammation. It also supports weight control and reduces the chances of type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Food that is high in Vitamin C not only smells good but also taste soothing to our tongue and other senses. These fruits reduce anxiety and depression symptoms and are also good for our physical and mental wellbeing. Ascorbic acid repaid body tissues that are helpful for a human body function. It also works well for wound healing and absorption of iron that works best for bones and teeth. These fruits include oranges, cantaloupe, lemons, clementine, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, green and red peppers, cauliflower, winter squash, and spinach.


Berries are good for physical and mental health and keep you away from anxiety and other mental disorders. Blueberries, Blackberries, Strawberries contain a chemical that works similar to valproic acid. Such substances in our body help in stabilizing our mood and are the best foods that reduce anxiety and improve calmness.

Summing Up

Add these above seven items like a rainbow in your daily diet and your mental wellbeing will shine with flying colors. I again recommend practicing exercise, yoga, meditation, and other activities that can soothe your mind along with the food of your choice. These food items are dedicatedly listed here to calm your mind as these are food for calmness. If you add foods that reduce anxiety, you will always feel jolly and live with a happy stress-free mind while taking good care of your physical and mental wellbeing.

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