Cilok recipe

in food •  7 years ago 

kitchen Material: 250 gram tapioca flour 150 grams of wheat flour 1sdm of garlic powder 1st onion leaf Salt, pepper, powdered broth to taste Hot water Topical: Skewers Margarine, soy sauce, sambal sauce Way:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in the container, love little hot water until the dough becomes dull.

  2. Boil water until boiling, form round dough input into boiling water.

  3. if ciloknya already floating above the water surface, the sign is ripe. Lift, set aside to cool

  4. Tucked cilok on a skewer, then spread the spice.

  5. Burn the cilok in the grill pan until slightly burned

  6. Remove, serve with peanut sauce

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