How to Make Pizza Aceh

in food •  7 years ago 


500 gr flour high protein (chakra)
whole chicken 2 eggs
400 ml ice water
2 tablespoons yeast
2 tablespoons butter (blue band)
salt to taste

Tomato sauce to taste
Chilli sauce to taste
Mayonaise to taste
Grated cheese
Onion Chutney
Red and green peppers (could use or not)
Sweet corn
Sausage/meat chopped (to taste)





How to make:

  1. combine the flour, eggs, yeast mix well and then stir in the butter and salt mix until chewy
  2. after dough kalis weigh the dough into 150gram and rounded above and put the baking pan was on the papers give bread.
  3. let fluffy 5 to 10 minutes
  4. next pipihkan dough that has been inflated.
  5. Let the topping of tomato sauce, then sprinkle the sausage, onions, corn, peppers, then add the chilli sauce and sprinkle mozarella last mayonaise, grated cheese, and origano.
  6. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes longer until fluffy
  7. After menggembang grilled disuhu 200 derjat Celsius for 5 to 10 minutes
  8. Lift up and ready to be enjoyed

Do't forget followMe@jaly6517, upvote and resteem


Bahan :
500 gr terigu protein tinggi (cakra)
2 butir telur ayam utuh
400 ml air es
2 sendok makan ragi
2 sendok makan mentega (blue band)
garam secukupnya

Topping :
Saus tomat secukupnya
Saus cabe secukupnya
Mayonaise secukupnya
Keju parut
Bawang bombay
Paprika merah dan hijau (boleh pakai atau tidak)
Jagung manis
Sosis/daging cincang (sesuai selera)

cara membuat :

  1. Campurkan tepung terigu, telur ayam, ragi aduk rata lalu masukkan mentega dan garam aduk hingga kenyal
  2. Setelah adonan kalis timbang adonan menjadi 150gram dan bulatkan lalu letakkan diatas loyang telah di beri kertas roti.
  3. Biarkan mengembang 5 sampai 10 menit
  4. Selanjutnya pipihkan adonan yang telah mengembang.
  5. Beri topping saus tomat, dilanjutkan dengan taburkan sosis, bawang bombay, jagung, paprika, lalu tambahkan saus cabe dan mayonaise terakhir taburkan mozarella, keju parut, dan orig*ano.
  6. Diamkan lagi 5 sampai 10 menit hingga mengembang
  7. Setelah menggembang panggang disuhu 200 derjat celcius selama 5 sampai 10 menit
  8. Angkat, sajikan dan siap disantap

Do't forget followMe@jaly6517, upvote and resteem

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