pohon mangga madu yang manis.

in food •  7 years ago 

mango trees honey a very short,
hay all friends steemian that exist in the air now, how cue these we wish you well - fine; this was mango trees honey a very short while the fruit of his extraordinary, according to me get this tree if fruitful not as tree other, mango trees this fruitful not wait for years, this tree have always had a fruit many or a little, if the season mango mango trees this was the most widely fruit,


pohon mangga madu yang sangat pendek,
Hay semua sahabat steemian yang ada di udara sekarang, bagaimana keadaan hati ini semoga kalian baik - baik saja;

ini lah pohon mangga madu yang sangat pendek sedangkan buah nya luar biasa, menurut saya dapat informasi pohon ini kalau berbuah tidak seperti pohon lain, pohon mangga ini berbuah tidak menunggu tahun, pohon ini selalu memiliki buah banyak atau sedikit,

kalau musim mangga pohon mangga ini lah yang paling banyak buahnya,

this was the result natural Aceh.

small mango a very good.
this is a very nice mango and sweet taste, this mango is a short mango that bear very much fruit, this mango fruitful every year does not wait any season,

thank you esteem and all that is in steemian,

follow me @james4

@thank you @steemian Aceh

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great mangos🍈 prachtig.gif

thank you @makesushi