Payeh Eungkoet - A Traditional Taste

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemians, Mom..! There are a lot of ways in cooking fish. I wasn't a fish lover but try to cook fish for kids nutrition. To be honest, I am not good in distinguishing fish by name. Whenever I go to the fish market, I just point on the fish I want. Just after having kids I slowly start to know and eat some. Now, let me show you how to cook small fish into an ancient sensational taste.


  • Fish
  • Coconut Flesh (grated)
  • Keffir Leaf (chopped)
  • Shallot (sliced)
  • Salt
  • 3 tbsp cooking oil
  • Lime
  • Banana Leaf

Seasoning Paste:

  • Dried Blimbi
  • Lemon Grass
  • Ceyene
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Pepper
  • Shallot
  • Garlic


  1. Clean up the fish, squeeze lime.
  2. Smooth all the seasoning.
  3. Pour the the seasoning into fish (you can add more salt).
  4. Add in coconut, keffir leaf, shallot and cooking oil.
  5. Mix well then coat with banana leaf.
  6. Roast.
  7. Serve.

Pepes Ikan


  • Ikan
  • Daging Kelapa (parut)
  • Daun Jeruk(cincang)
  • Bawang merah (diiris)
  • Garam
  • 3 sdm minyak goreng
  • Jeruk nipis
  • Daun Pisang

Bumbu Halus:

  • Asam Sunti / Wuluh kering
  • Serai
  • Cabe rawit
  • Kunyit
  • Jahe
  • Lada
  • Bawang Merah
  • Bawang putih


  1. Bersihkan ikan, peras jeruk nipis.
  2. Haluskan semua bumbu.
  3. Tuangkan bumbu ke dalam ikan (Anda bisa menambahkan lebih banyak garam).
  4. Tambahkan daun jeruk, bawang merah dan minyak goreng.
  5. Campur dengan baik lalu balut dengan daun pisang.
  6. Panggang.
  7. Sajikan

Always post my own photos and works. Thank you for stopping by. I do appreciate your UPVOTE and RESTEEM if you like.

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Ikan pepes merupakan salah satu menu masakan di Aceh. Setiap ada waktu pulang ke rumah nenek hampir selalu nenek tau memasak pepes. Harus jujur bahwa "pepes buatan nenek" paling berkesan dan sangat terasa di lidah.

Pastikan anda merasakan pepes udang ya.

Pepes di Aceh ni jauh lebih tasty daripada pepes di tempat sy di jawa soalnya di sana bumbunya minimalis. Makanya sy jatuh cinta sma pepes ikan di sini:)

Iya. Pepes Aceh cenderung asam karena org aceh suka asam wuluh. Trims @horazwiwik :)

Iya bener, sebelum ke aceh, ga nyangka kalo blimbing wuluh bs sepenting itu dlm aneka macam masakan.

Looks delicious

Thanks @sstefan :)

@jumaidafajar looks very nice :) Congratulations on the recipe and thanks for sharing the ingredients :)
If you will find a moment please check my new story about the market Koszyki (polish- shopping basket) in Warsaw. A modern, fashionable and glamorous hot place to meet, chat and eat :) cheers!

Thanks @radzioha :)

Seems so tasty, good shots!

Thanks @noemilunastorta :)

Masakan kesukaan saya, saya sangat menyukai makan pepes dengan nasi hangat+garam . Rasanya sulit diuntai dengan kata-kata, yang pasti bikin nafsu makan nambah, dan nambah lagi.

Terima kasih kak @jumaidafajar

Trims @maulida :)

Lon hawa eungkot payeh piranha @jumaidafajar. Peugah bak Ampon @teukumuklis, lake tulong mita eungkot piranha...

Asai na di meukat di ujong blang ka trouh payeh nyan u rmh droen. ☺

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