chicken Teriyaki | Ayam Teriyaki.

in food •  7 years ago 

Dear Steemians !!!

Teriyaki chicken dishes are made from the main ingredient that is, two pieces of chicken breast from a chicken and some other ingredients.
by separating chicken meat from his bones. Then cut into small pieces of chicken fillet. wash 1x then give lemon juice. and let stand a moment.
Geprek then chopped garlic. Slice onions, red and green peppers
Wash chicken again 1x. Then drain
Heat two tablespoons of oil and add a tablespoon of sesame oil. After the heat, put garlic, onions. Cook until fragrant.
Enter the chicken pieces until smooth, then add the sauce teriyaki, honey, soy sauce and sweet, salt, pepper flattened, until the water out. If the water dries, add a little more water. And let it sink in
If the water left a little and then insert the red and green chili slices. Cook briefly until the chilies wither. Lift and serve

masakan ayamTeriyaki ini di buat dari bahan utama yaitu, dua potong dada ayam dari satu ekor ayam dan beberapa bahan lainnya.

dengan cara memisahkan daging ayam dari tulangnya. Lalu potong-potong kecil fillet ayam. cuci 1x lalu beri perasan air jeruk nipis. dan diamkan sebentar.
Geprek lalu cincang bawang putih. Iris bawang bombay, cabe merah dan hijau
Cuci ayam 1x lagi. Lalu tiriskan
Panaskan dua sendok makan minyak dan tambahkan satu sendok makan minyak wijen. Setelah panas, masukkan bawang putih, bawang bombay. Masak sampai wangi.
Masukkan potongan daging ayam sampai rata, Lalu tambahkan saos teriyaki, madu, kecap asin dan manis, garam, Merica rata, hingga keluar air. Jika air mengering, tambahkan lagi sedikit air. Dan biarkan meresap
Jika air sisa sedikit lalu masukkan irisan cabe merah dan hijau. Masak sebentar hingga cabe layu. Angkat dan sajikan

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awesome post upvoted.....
Hope u follow me at @shah87 and upvote my posts.

amazing food @ khairulmuammar
thank you for sharing tutorial

yes thank again @ filzaart