Soylent launches a meal with coffee similar to Joylent Wake Up

in food •  9 years ago  (edited)

Muwhaha last year we made a complete breakfast meal with 33% of all nutrients a person needs with coffee flavor, caffeine and beta alanine called Joylent Wake Up.

Today Soylent released a similar product called Soylent Coffiest. A complete meal with 20% of all nutrients a person needs, caffeine and L-theanine

I find it really cool that we are on the same track. The Wake Up has been very popular for us so I think it will do great for them too. For more info check their blog about it:

I also recommend watching their entertaining Youtube ad:

Soylent is only available in the US and Canada
Joylent is mostly popular in Europe but also ships to US and Canada

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They should get Charlton Heston to do commercials. That would be gold.

Please enlighten me with his work. I am unfamiliar unfortunately.

Oh haha he is the original creator! That would be terrific indeed to have him do their commercials. We once made a persiflage of Soylent Green:

Lol, nice vid. I loved it.