For a healthy life
• Breakfast is the most important meal at all, because your daily activity will depend on it.
From 7 to 9 is the time of absorption of food in the small intestine should
Breakfast is served at this time.
• Those who wish to maintain the integrity of their body and mind should eat breakfast
Before 7:30 am.
• People who do not eat breakfast and get used to it should change their habits
Because it is one of the most important causes of liver damage.
• Delay in breakfast until 9:00 am is better than not eating it
Absolutely .
• Better to eat a morning meal high in carbohydrates to be able to metabolism of
Programming fat cracking in the remainder of the day, what can be extracted
The daily energy needed is both fat and carbohydrates.
• Breakfast is very important for school students because they do not eat nutritious food during the day and usually students who do not eat breakfast quickly feel tired and lack of desire to work in school and mental interaction is weak and mental stress increases
• Breakfast consists of bread, cheese, eggs, jam, honey, milk cup, small fruit and orange juice.
It is important to eat breakfast in the morning
The Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health identified some benefits from a healthy breakfast:
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which provides energy and food that helps to increase focus throughout the day.
Taking a healthy breakfast in the morning helps maintain weight and avoid weight gain.
Neglecting breakfast makes a person eager to eat unhealthy high-fat snacks and sugars.
Neglecting breakfast in the morning will not get enough often of the vitamins and minerals necessary to work the body.
Breakfast in the morning provides the energy to do activities and not to idle at midday.
Which leads us to say with confidence that the fruit of one fruit in the morning will not provide all the essential nutrients required to run your body effectively, and will not feel full to the date of the next meal! But eating a fruit in an integrated breakfast will help you complete the desired food chain. In addition to starches, calcium, and protein, you will supply fruit with the necessary fiber and vitamins.
When you add extra fiber to breakfast, you will not feel hungry quickly.
When planning a healthy breakfast, you should make sure that it is integrated and contains all the nutrients, not eating enough calories and protein will weaken your body and make you feel hungry faster. But it is not necessary to have breakfast too complex and varied in a way that is enough to eat a slice of wheat bread, an egg, a piece of white cheese, a glass of fresh orange juice, or a glass of milk with fruit.
• On the other hand, when you eat an integrated breakfast, you will get vitamin C, calcium, fiber and protein. This will help you prepare for all the tasks and duties you will do during the day.
By adding these items to his diet:
Cranberry: Studies and research show that it helps protect the brain from oxidative damage and increases the learning ability and motor skills in young children.
Tip: Add the cranberries to its full grain grain to help the body absorb iron from breakfast cereals. They can eat cranberries and enjoy their fresh or frozen food.Avocado: It is rich in many nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B, fiber and good fats (omega-3 fatty acids), which makes it essential to stimulate the brain and revitalize it.
Tip: Cut the avocado into slices and add to low-fat milk to make a healthy milk shake. You can also add avocado pieces to the salad with lemon juice and a little olive oil. But be aware of calories, enough to eat half an avocado pill as a side dish.Salmon: Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and docosahexanic acid (DHA), which is very important for the brain and nervous system and helps the brain to function properly. Omega 3 is a staple food because it can not be produced but must be obtained from food.
Tip: Grilled him salmon twice a week at least to make the most of the nutrients in it.Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids necessary for the function and growth of the brain. It also contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which strengthens the brain region to process sensory information.
Tip: Sprinkle a teaspoon of powdered flax seeds or any dish to get your baby's daily omega-3 needs. To make them easy to digest, sprinkle them in water for a few hours before eating them.Dark chocolate: rich in flavonoids, one of the most important antioxidants to enhance cognitive function. Chocolate also contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that increases the ability to concentrate and stimulates the production of endorphins, which helps to improve mood.
Tip: Recycle your baby instead of mascara. It will not be easy at first, make it at least 60% cocoa and contain fewer sugars and fat.