My Secret Weight Loss Button

in food •  7 years ago 

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So Easy To Gain, So Hard To Lose

I had a job where I was constantly moving and moving quickly. That was before the first company shut down. I went from constantly on the go to sitting in front of my computer looking for new jobs. Oh how quickly those pounds attached themselves to my hips, thighs...well let’s just say everywhere.

I was so worried about finding a new job that I was not paying any attention to my weight. My scale sat silently in my bathroom never giving me any indication about the trouble I was getting myself into. I thought the mean little sock thief in my washer and dryer was simply playing dirty tricks on me by shrinking my clothes. How naive I was!

When the scale finally decided to break his vow of silence, I had gained 58 pounds!

Tip Number One

So tip number 1, engage your scale in daily conversation! I think if I had weighed myself on a daily basis, I might not have let my weight gain get so out of control.

Needless to say, I very quickly started looking up how to lose weight while still sitting at my computer. I tried all the newest fads, Juicing, Cutting Carbs, Eliminating sugar, etc. Nothing seemed to work. I would stick with it for a few days and fall of the wagon very quickly. Before I knew it, I had gained 62 pounds.

I am not saying that these diets don't work, for many they certainly do. But you see I was missing the most vital thing needed for successful weight loss, the unbridled determination. Oh yes, I wanted to lose the weight but that magic little motivation button inside me had not been pressed yet. If that button is not pressed, absolutely no diet was going to work for me. But for a long time that elusive magic weight loss button remained a mystery, a secret that was not revealed to me until 8 months ago.

The Secret Magic Weight Loss Button

One day I came across a site advertising weight loss wagers. You decide how much money you want to wager on yourself. You pick how much weight you want to lose, and in what time frame you want to lose it and you place your wager. BINGO! I found my weight loss motivator, my unbridled determination. My weight loss button was pushed!

Let me tell you my finances were in no condition to be placing losing wagers on myself. I could not afford to put out this money. But that was not my only motivation; I also wanted desperately to go to a marketing convention in Las Vegas and knew that this was the answer! So I not only had the motivation of not wanting to lose my hard earned money, but I also really wanted to go to this convention. So now I had powerful reasons to lose the weight. Feeling better about myself and having my body feel better physically simply had not been enough motivation by themselves for me.

Tip Number Two

Find your magic weight loss button! It may not be a wager for you. Maybe it is your health. Maybe you have a class reunion coming up. Maybe you want to have more energy for your children. If you can find your motivator, you have a much better chance at succeeding in your weight loss journey.

Thank you for reading my post, I hope it helps. Tomorrow I will share more tips on losing weight. I will share the methods I used for losing the weight while still enjoying pizza, chocolate, and apple pie.

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