the usefulness of a tomato

in food •  7 years ago 

Dear friends, I like to learn a lot of useful things and today I found something interesting, I hope you like it😊
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The use of tomato for the body is known to mankind not so long ago. After all, at the beginning of the 18th century, the tomato was considered a poisonous fruit, for this reason it was not popular and for a long time it was not grown in Russia, and was not consumed for food.

Currently, tomato, one of the most popular garden crops, grown both on personal plots, and on an industrial scale. The tomato is consumed in a raw form, and it is made from it a lot of various dishes, preparations, sauces and even seasonings. Tomato is loved by many, thanks not only to its taste and aroma, but also to its nutritional properties and the availability of a variety of vitamins and nutrients.
Useful properties of tomatoes:

The use of tomatoes in food is useful for problems with the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous system.

Help reduce cholesterol.

Vitamin C, contained in tomato helps to strengthen immunity.

They help to overcome stress and are able to increase mood, thanks to the "teramine" contained in them.

The increased content of vitamins A and E has a beneficial effect on skin color and hydration, which makes tomatoes often used in cosmetology.

In dietary nutrition, tomatoes are used not only because they are low-calorie, especially appreciated the property of tomatoes to muffle the feeling of hunger.

Recent research scientists have proven that the use of tomatoes in food contributes to the prevention of cancer.

Riboflavin serves to prevent age-related eye diseases, the occurrence of cataracts.
In addition to the above-mentioned beneficial properties of tomato, it is possible to distinguish the positive effect of tomato consumption in food for gastrointestinal diseases, especially in diseases directly related to stress and depression. It is well known that gastritis and ulcers are a direct consequence of nervous system damage, and tomatoes in this case help to fight both the cause and the effect of stress. Since the substances contained in tomatoes contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system, improve mood and well-being, and also have a positive effect on the musculature of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby normalizing its work.drty.jpg

It has been statistically proven that men are more likely to suffer from cancer, because they are more likely to suffer from stress and, unlike women, are less likely to worry about timely prevention of diseases. The use of tomatoes, which contain lycopene, a known antioxidant, helps prevent the development of cancer cells, and therefore the risk of diseases is reduced.
Women will especially appreciate that the tomato has a negative calorie content, which means it is not just a tasty and healthy vegetable, but also an excellent dietary product that will give a feeling of satiety with the minimum amount of calories consumed. Negative calorie means that to process the food received, the body spends more calories than is contained in the food itself. Thus, tomato is an excellent basis for a delicious and healthy diet, aimed at reducing weight.

Substances contained in tomatoes contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, which is also necessary when dieting, during the off-season and to restore the body after stress.

In addition, for hundreds of years, tomato is used in cosmetology. Vitamin B2, contained in a vegetable is necessary for the regeneration of cells, and therefore for the restoration of dry, cracked, damaged skin, accelerates the healing process of wounds and abrasions. Antiseptic and restorative properties of tomato pulp are used to treat skin diseases.

Masks and lotions from the pulp of tomato are very popular, because they can reduce the fat content of the skin, dry the rashes, make the skin supple and moisturize it well.

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