The horse radish seed is fall of calcium wnd iron.Calcium hardens our bones and protects against osteoporosis.If you are anemic or lacking in blood,the iron inhaler is rich in blood.It's just a fight against stress and slows down our body's age.In other fruits and vegetables,malunggay has more vitamins.The horse radish is now fed to the skinny and malnourish children.Cheese is cheap and nutritious.It is possible for government feeding programs and voluntary groups.Much more is hiding the horse radish.So have the horse radish in your yard.
Many studies and research proves that horse radish is a powerhouse of nutritional value.The leaf of Malunggay helps strenghthen the immune system so that the body can resist various diseases.Helps to break the blood pressure and eliminate headaches or migraine.
The regular diet of horse radish can produce a male semen.Helps to easily fertilize the seed in a woman's womb.If it is difficult for a woman to become pregnant, try to eat a lot of Malunggay and probably lack of semen on your partner's cause.It helps to make the blood pressure level normal so diabetic is resistant.The horse radish can help relax the body that provides intense sleep.