Crepioca Pão de Queijo?? // Chef Arthur

in food •  7 months ago 

Greetings, hungry travelers!

Today I want to share my first try at reproducing this recipe for a Fit version of the classic Brazilian "Pão de Queijo", or "Cheese Bread" in a literal translation. It is deemed as fit because the person in the video used Light Requeijão (which is a traditional Brazilian chesse that I've already written here about but she said that you can alternatively use Cottage cheese too; she also used, instead of white flour, Tapioca (a flour-like ingredient made of cassava, plant originary from Brasil and a symbol here, that I hope to make a post about someday).

However, in my version, I used the standars version of Requeijão, and added parmesan cheese to the mix. You can check the original recipe here, by @receitassaudaveiss.oficial on Instagram.

My first try with the recipe
(I'm sorry for the quality it was dark...)


Two eggs

1 tablespoon of Requeijão or Cottage


30g of Tapioca

1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese
(Maybe it fell a little on the table :):

Mix it really well! You need the batter really smooth and uniform in order for it to achieve the ideal state.

You can then put the mixed batter into a cold greased pan.

The technique that allows the batter to inflate, just like it happens when using the Polvilho to make Pão de Queijo, is to cook it really slowly. In the video, she even suggested to put one of the other grills from the oven on top of the one with the fire lit, to further lift the pan from the heat. (so I did it :)

Let it fry covered until it reaches this brownish color on the bottom, and turn it upside down to cook the other side.

At this point you can put mozzarela slices on top of the cooked side, and let it fry covered again, but this time closer to the fire. I unfortunately overcooked it a bit, so I advise you to use medium heat.

While I waited, I enjoyed another incredibly delicious and traditional food from Brasil: GOIABADA CASCÃO DIRETO DE MINAS GERAIS

Above is the final result of my try, and bellow is the video's one.

I have to admit I almost sent all these photos to the trash after seeing how it turned out, but cooking is like this: it not always turns out as you wanted, specially for the first time. I guess life is kind of like that, too.

I expected the Crepioca (name we usually give to these recipes that use Tapioca and Eggs) to inflate a lot more, but it didn't. My two hypothesis are that I should've used a smaller pan, and that maybe I shouldn't have opened the cover twice during the final cook, since during the second "opening" I saw it disinflating a bit.

Maybe if you try it you can give us your feedback!

I'll make a follow-up post also about my next try with the recipe, if all goes as planned... (which it rarely does)

Cheers :)

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