Bhoi Aceh Cake

in food •  7 years ago 


Bhoi is a name of cakes from Aceh. This cake was available in various forms like flower, fish, star and many else. The characteristics of this cake is their rude texture and their size that was small and solid then the else cakes.


In past, Bhoi usually used as the brightness that give by the groo to the bride in wedding ceremony. But along with the times, bhoi is switched function as the souvenirs when visiting the relatives, circumcision or birth.


Bhoi cake has the texture dry outsidebut it is soft inside. Bhoi cake can survived in several months. This cake was durable with the mediation of sugar as preservative.

There are the recipe of Bhoi cakes:

  1. 250 gr of wheat flour
  2. 250 gr of sugar
  3. 5 of eggs
  4. 2 of vanila
  5. 1 tea spoon of soda

How to make:

  1. Put the eggs and add the sugar in basin and shake until fluffy
  2. Put in the vanila and soda then shake again
  3. After that, put in the wheat flour and mix well
  4. Put in the batter in print and baked untl cooked


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