Food talk!

in food •  7 years ago 


So, we are trying to eat healthier....dare I say, "cleaner". Less meat, less dairy, more fruits and know the drill. Actually, it's not hard! The hardest part is choosing not to be lazy about it! We have watched a LOT of documentaries on Netflix. "Forks over Knives", "What the Health", "What's with Wheat" to name a few. Oh yeah, we watched one called "Vegucated" and I was making eggs for breakfast at the same time. Chad couldn't eat the egg because they were showing the abuse of chickens in the documentary. It was pretty sickening! I did manage to choke my egg down, but it certainly didn't give me the warm fuzzy "mmmmmm" feeling one should get while eating!

Anyway, this morning I was trying to find something simple to eat that wouldn't require cooking. Voila! I grabbed a whole wheat pita bread, some green chili hummus, cucumber, carrots, feta cheese and half an avocado and BOOM! It was DELICIOUS!!

Tonight we are having the Cabbage Eggrolls that I resteemed a little while ago! I am so excited! The filling tastes AMAZING! We feel so blessed that we are learning to eat the way our Creator meant for us to eat!!!

Have a great day!

Gen 2:9
And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

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Delicious and healthy! Demonstrating eating well is not eating dull.