병원... 그리고 짬뽕 (Hospital... and Jjambbong)

in food •  7 years ago 

2번째로 올리는 steemit posting! (2nd upload in steemit posting!)

오늘은 피부가 좋지 않아 병원에 갔어요~ (Today is going to hospital about skin clinic because of skin trouble~)
진찰 결과, 모낭염이더라구요 ㅠㅠ (As a result examination, it was folliculitis TT)

먹는 약과 연고로 피부를 소중히 해야겠어요 !!! (I will take care myself with eating drug and ointment !!!)


진찰 후, 짬뽕을 먹었어요! (After having examination, I ate Jjambbong!)
짬뽕은 맛있으면서도 매운 한국 음식입니다! (It's delicious and spicy Korean food!)

한국에 온다면, 한 번 도전해 보세요 ^^ (If you come to korea, try to eat that ^^)

저는 이제부터 작업하러 갑니다~ Byebye! (I work from now~ Byebye!)

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