Benefits of dried fruits of various kinds

in food •  7 years ago 

Are you a fan of dried fruits? Know the benefits of this kind of tasty food, and some things you should know about it.

Dried fruits are those that have been dried from the majority of their water content, to leave the fruit dry and shrunk, but at the same time rich in nutritional values ​​and calories!

Types of common dried fruits

These are the most common types of dried fruits:

Other types are dried with the addition of sugar, such as:
the banana.
Benefits of different types of dried fruits

Many studies have found that people who eat moderately and moderately dehydrated fruits in their diets often have less weight and are more able to absorb nutrients. These benefits of different kinds of dried fruits:

1- Benefits of raisins
Raisins are dried grapes, rich in potassium and fiber in particular, and studies have found that it has the ability to:

Lower blood pressure.
Reduce the level of blood sugar.
Improve cholesterol levels in the body.
Increase the feeling of satiety and suppress appetite.
Reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes.
Reduce the chances of heart disease.
2 - the benefits of dried plum
Dried plum is rich in nutrients, fiber, potassium, beta-carotenoids and vitamin K. These are some of the benefits of dried plum:

Dried plum is known for its softening properties of the intestines, due to its richness in fiber and a special type of sugars.
And some researchers believe that its benefits outweigh many other natural constipation.
Reduce the chances of heart disease due to its high content of antioxidants.
Reduce the chances of cancer due to its high content of antioxidants.
Fighting osteoporosis, because it contains boron.
Helps to feel full and does not cause high levels of sugar in the blood.

  1. Benefits of dates
    Dates are a great source of fiber, potassium and iron. Dates are characterized by the following benefits:

Dates sit on the throne of dried fruit when it comes to its content of antioxidants.
Although they are very sweet fruits, they do not cause a significant rise in blood sugar levels.
Regularly taking dates in the last weeks of pregnancy facilitates normal labor and reduces the need to stimulate labor.
The use of dates helps to treat infertility in men, but studies are still in this regard in its infancy.
Sugar in dried fruits

Dried fruits contain a large amount of natural sugar, and these are the rates of sugar in different types of dried fruits:

Raisins: 59%.
Dates: 64-66%.
Plum: 38%.
Apricot: 53%.
Figs: 48%.
Most of these sugars are fructose, which may cause a large amount of it to be harmful, such as:

Type II diabetes.
Heart disease.
You should avoid them from dried fruits

You should avoid eating dried fruits that:

They are covered with sugar or dried using sugar.
They seem to be glamorous and oddly colored. These are often added chemicals to enhance the color, so choose the dried fruit that is brownish or slightly dull.

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Nice photo ,good luck brother,please support me

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