So protect yourself and your family from winter illnesses

in food •  7 years ago 

Winter is on the door. Are you ready to receive it? Or in other words, is your immune system ready to receive it? No? Read the article to learn how to prepare it well for winter diseases and germs!

Winter brings with it many guests who tend to disturb the immune system, germs, viruses and diseases. So, let's review together ways and rules that will help protect yourself and your family from these new guests.

1- Methods of protection from flu and colds

The incidence of influenza, colds and colds is particularly high in the winter, and while only 200 types of viruses may cause you to get colds, flu is another story and a more severe medical condition. It may be caused by more serious and complex viral strains, Flu May Cause Death!

So here's a list of rules and tips that will help you avoid these viral infections:
Get all the necessary vaccinations.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Throw the used tissue into the trash bin immediately after use.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially after sneezing or coughing.
Always keep a sterilizer or disinfectant in your handbag.
Avoid touching your nose or mouth so germs and viruses do not spread quickly.
Try to reduce contact with people with flu or colds.
Although this type of disease is difficult to cure quickly, getting a rest (if you already have it) and maintaining your body's moisture will certainly help speed up your recovery.

2 - Eat clean and nutritious food

Eating nutritious foods every day will provide your body with vitamins, carbohydrates and fats, which will keep your body active and reduce its susceptibility to disease, not to mention that it accelerates the healing process if you get it.

Although winter comes with so many temptations of unhealthy food, we recommend that you wait a little for your food, but for healthy foods and food habits that your body will thank you for. So try selecting foods:

Rich in antioxidants, proteins and fiber.
Rich in vitamins: B, C, D, J.
Low fat and sugars.
Drink enough water

It is important that you do not neglect to drink enough water to maintain high levels of moisture in your body during the day, as the body in winter does not tend to remind you of feeling thirsty clearly as in the summer, so it is easy to forget and neglect drinking water!

Skin problems become more common in winter, due to the large temperature changes, and constant exposure to indoor and workplace heating sources.

  1. Keep your activity and physical fitness

It is no secret that winter may be a depressing chapter for some, but just getting out of bed in the morning may become exhausting! This is a medical condition called seasonal winter depression, but you can fight it through constant communication with family and friends, and maintain your social activity.

Also try to go out to practice some exercise and outdoor activities, such as brisk walking and jogging.

  1. Keep your body warm

Winter is a particularly difficult chapter for the elderly and people with chronic diseases such as heart disease and respiratory diseases. So follow these tips to keep your body warm:

Always close the doors when entering and leaving, and keep the curtains of the house down.
Eat daily hot drinks and at least one hot meal.
Eat your meals regularly and without neglect daily, to maintain high levels of energy in the body!
Wear adequate layers of warm clothing, without excessive or exaggerated.
6 - Keep your home free of fungi and mold

The dark and cold climate is a very suitable environment for the growth of the fungus and fungi, an atmosphere created by winter in every house of course! Here we would like to remind you of the places in which your house may grow up:

Clothing storage places.
Wet places, such as bathrooms and laundry rooms.
Any place in the house is not well dried.
Therefore, in order to avoid the diseases that may cause this moisture and baking, we recommend the following:

Ventilate the house well and regularly.
Keep the warmth of the house.
Dry all surfaces in the house and clean them regularly, especially those that are most exposed to moisture (kitchen surfaces and bathrooms).
We wish you a warm and disease-free winter!

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Thanks for winter tips

thank you friend