The Fairy Tale of Fat that makes you Fat

in food •  7 years ago 


To this day, the misconception persists in many parts of the population: "Fat makes you fat and sick!" Instead of butter, the margarine advertised in colorful spots is bought. Instead of the Rumpsteak, the meager turkey breast comes to the plate and instead of the delicious creamy yoghurt, lands fat-reduced lean yoghurt in the shopping cart. Curiously, however, the number of overweight people today is twice as high as 30 years ago. The number of cardiovascular diseases is also increasing steadily. Reason enough, sometimes ask itself the question, if everything has so its correctness.

Fat lifts natural taste

Not only star cooks know: A good piece of butter or high-quality oil make a dish really delicious. The simple reason: the numerous flavors in natural and industrially unprocessed food are fat-soluble. For this reason, fats (in this case, no matter what kind of fatty acid it is) are also used as flavor carriers. Nature has done quite well, since our fine taste and smell sensors can only tell the brain whether there is any nutritional value in the food.

The great deception

This is also a problem of the low-fat diet: in fat-reduced products are numerous (also natural) flavors, which fool our brain that it contains a lot of fat - because without fat it would naturally not taste so full-bodied.

A legitimate question at this point would be: "Where is the problem?" Answer: If our sensors are deceived, the brain sends an impulse to the gastrointestinal tract to initiate processes to utilize the calories. However, there is no (or only few) calories. Fatal for the (equal) weight of the body.

More or less the same happens when we eat foods that taste very sweet but instead of fruit sugars contain chemical sweeteners such as aspartame or acesulfame K: the body reacts with the release of insulin, which is to transport the sugar into the cells - but here too is not what the body expects. The consequence is a low blood glucose level through the spilled, unused insulin, which in turn leads to a great feeling of hunger. If you give in to this hot hunger, the overweight is pre-programmed. Incidentally, this is exactly why sweeteners are partially used in the pig's fattening to stimulate the appetite of the animals.


Rich food fills

If we eat something that is very rich, so we are already fed up in a short time. If, however, the brain is somewhat faked, which does not correspond to the truth, our metabolic processes are completely mixed. In addition, fat-reduced foods often contain a great deal of sugar (or sweeteners). Neither the sugar nor the sweeteners help with a conscious diet or a desired weight reduction.

Clear studies
As the journal "Focus" reported, researchers for the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" evaluated the data of 120,000 persons over a period of 16 years. The astounding result:

Whoever ate more full-fat cheese, nevertheless, did not increase. On the contrary: the subjects who fed themselves fulierer were much more rarely affected by overweight than those who fed themselves low-fat.

The researchers also provided a direct approach to the explanation: those who eat low-fat food can be used to compensate for saturating carbohydrates or sugary foods, in order to experience a noticeable saturation feeling that one has in a conscious diet with fat.

Carbohydrates also belong to a conscious diet and are full. However, it is necessary to differentiate between simple, isolated carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates, which are one of many constituents in a foodstuff. Basically, therefore, the assertion can be made: the more insulated one takes something, the worse.

Added sugar: The real culprit

If we take in sugar, the pancreas responds with the release of insulin. This transports the sugar, in simple terms, into the cells of the body, which store it as energy. This lowers the blood sugar level and protects our blood vessels. However, when the cells are full, the excess is converted to fat and stored in all possible parts of the body. And the cells are fuller than you think. Because of the different names of sugars on food packaging, everyday consumers often lose track of how much sugar they actually consume - even when consumers consciously eat low-carbohydrate foods. In a low-fat diet, which uses more sweetened foods, these stores are even faster.


Healthy Diet: It's the mix

So it's not like it's the "bad" fat that lands directly on our ribs after eating. Evolutionary conditioned, sweets make you want more than fat. This fact, of course, quickly leads to excessive food intake. It is even worse when, instead of sugary foods, which still have a saturation effect, products are used which contain chemical sweeteners and thus make the balance of the body's own messengers an imbalance.

A worthwhile food industry business that is already tapping into the next fat-reduced or sugar-reduced lifestyle product, including promises of a better self-esteem.

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Good article :).
I would argue though that bad diets are not the only cause for concern, although they are definitely a contributing factor and lead to many debilitating health problems.
A culprit that is just as lethal is the sedentary lifestyle that is enjoyed by many.
As someone who eats a lot of foods that are "bad" for you. You have to be willing to work to burn off those extra calories.