Strange Things Found In Food

in food •  7 years ago 

People have been finding strange and disgusting things in the food they order from restaurants and from the grocery store for a long time. This is most likely due to food handlers' working conditions and to some of them just being careless. Also, some of these employees think it's funny to put nasty things in food just for the heck of it.

Here are a few things that have been found in food products by consumers:

  1. A condom in a McDonald's burger.

  2. A syringe in the bottom of a can of soda.

  3. A finger in a can of soup.

  4. A finger in a cup of yogurt.

  5. A fly inside a hot dog bun.

  6. A dead roach in a glass of tea.

  7. A green lizard's head in a salad at a restaurant.

  8. A chicken's head in an order of Chicken Nuggets from a restaurant. (The head had been breaded just like the nuggets)

  9. A smashed and dried out little mouse in a chicken sandwich from Hardee's.

  10. A dead dried out mouse in a bag of flour from a grocery store.

...Those are just a few things that have been found in the food supply. Unfortunately, there is most likely going to always be errors made in the manufacturing process of food production, and there is always going to be stupid and disgusting people who think it's funny to contaminate other people's food. And I've also noticed that a lot of supermarket foods have been getting recalled more frequently these days due to them being tainted with bacteria.

Hopefully those manufacturers will put an end to their unsanitary practices when it comes to how they handle food, but either way, we all need to check our food thoroughly before eating it--whether it comes from a restaurant, a store, a street vendor or even a girl scout.

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why on earth people don't search for their lost FINGERS

I don't know, but I guess it's because they probably don't want their employers to know that it fell into the container of food they were making. Or maybe the can of food was already sealed before they could look for the finger in it.

I had FEATHERS in my Kentucky Fried Chicken once and no one would believe me when I told them. Except for my dad, but that was only because he is convinced they don't use real chicken in their food.