in food •  7 years ago 


Empat jam telah berlalu menguras tenaga dan pikiran mencari data – data peristiwa untuk diolah menjadi berita. Dan kini saat nya mengisi kembali energi yang telah terbuang tadi, kamis (25/7) sekitar pukul 13.00.

Tidak seperti kebanyakan hari, selalu menyantap nasi padang, siang ini kami memutuskan untuk bersantai sambil makan siang di cafe dan resto Mbak pini.

Kafe ini terletak di Kutacane Aceh Tenggara, tepatnya di lintas nasional, Kutacane – Kabupaten Gayo Lues atau lebih pasnya berada Kampung Melayu. Tidak susah mencari alamatnya, apabila steemian berencana bersantap siang maupun malam dikota dijuluki sepekat segenap.

Kafe dibangun ditengah sawah padi produktif, disini mata kita dengan jelas bisa melihat susunan gunung-gunung tinggi Taman Nasional , Gunung Lauser, Ketambe. Ditambah semilir angin bahorok, membuat siapa saja menggugah selera makannya jika berada disini.



Desain kafe bebas terbuka, kesana natural juga terdapat di dinding bangunan ibalut dengan tepas bambu. Harga ditawarkan untuk satu porsi makananpun sangat terjangkau, dimulai dari Rp 5 ribu untuk nasi putih dan Rp 40 untuk satu porsi nasi dengan laukpauknya. Harga tersebut tentunya tidak bikin kantong kering bila sewaktu – waktu mengajak keluarga maupun kawan anda kesini.

Cafe resto dengan menu andalannya olahan sajian berbahan dasar unggas seperti Bebek bebek Ayam. Namun olahan berbagai jenis ikan air tawar juga ditawarkan manjemen cafe, bahkan kelezatannya tidak kalah dari resto berbintang lima terdapat disejumlah kota metropolitan.

Perut yang sudah mulai keroncongan, kamipun memesan dua Gurami Goreng dan satu Gurami bakar serta dua mangkuk capcai brokholi dan tidak ketinggalan tiga gelas Jus Sersak kesukaan kami.

Selang beberapa menit kemudian pesanan kamipun sampai, dan dengan sekejap kami menghabiskannya. Sementara untuk kami bertiga kami hanya mengeluarkan kocek Rp 148 ribu..


Nah,perlu diketahui @steemian, ikan air tawar di olah menjadi makanan siap saji disini, ikan hasil budiya pemilik resto dikolam dibelakang bangunan usahanya, tentu ini sangat segar untuk kita konsumsi. Dan bagi yang menggemari ikan belut sawah disini juga tersedia, dan ikan ini kaya akan proteein kata orang, tapi saya tidak mencobannya.

Sekian Steemian, saya juga menampilkan beberapa foto menu makanan disediakan kafe dan resto milik mbak Pini.

Mbak pini sendiri adalah nama pemilik usaha tersebut, beliau adalah Blesteran lokal, perkawinan antara suku Jawa dengan suku Alas. Suku alas adalah Pribumi masyarakat menetap di Kutacane, Aceh Tenggara.

Kalau steemians ke Kutacane Aceh Tenggara, tidak ada salahnya mencoba menu di resto Mbak Pini.





Ready to Serve Food, Made by Mbak Pini

The afternoon sun is so scorching, rarely worm stars can actively move with cauaca so hot this afternoon.

Four hours have passed, today's work is so draining the energy and mind of searching data - data events to be processed into news

And now it's time to recharge the energy that has been wasted earlier, Thursday (25/7) at around 13:00.

Unlike most days, always eating rice paddies, this afternoon we decided to relax while having lunch at the cafe and restaurant Mbak Pini.

This cafe is located in Kutacane Aceh Tenggara, precisely on national crossing, Kutacane - Gayo Lues or more suitable in Kampung Melayu. It's not hard to find the address, if steemian is planning a lunch or dinner in a town dubbed "Sepakat Segenab".

This cafe is built in the middle of productive fields, here our eyes can clearly see the arrangement of the high mountain National Park, Mount Lauser, Ketambe. Plus wind bahorok, for anyone to arouse his appetite if he was here.

Design of free shop opened, nature also exist in the walls of the building wrapped with bamboo tip. The price offered for one portion of food is very affordable, ranging from Rp 5 thousand for white rice and Rp 40 for one serving of rice complete with side dishes. The price certainly does not make a dry bag if at any time invite your family and friends to come here.

Cafe restaurant with its flagship menu processed poultry based dishes such as Duck or Chicken. But the processed variety of freshwater fish is also offered cafe management, even delicious no less than five-star restaurants exist in a number of metropolitan cities.

Stomach that has begun to rumble, we also order two Fried Gurami and one Grilled Gurami and two bowls of broccoli capcai and do not miss three glasses of our favorite sour juice.

A few minutes later our order arrived, and we finished it in a flash. As for the three of us we only spend Rp 148 thousand ..

H #

Well, remember @ stemian, freshwater fish become fast food here, fish restaurant owner budiya dikolam behind business development, of course this is very fresh for us consumption. And for those who love rice eel here is also available, and this fish is rich in proteein said people, but I did not try it.

So many people Steemian, I also show some photos of food menu provided cafe and restaurant owned by Mrs. Pini.

Mbak pini himself is the name of the business owner, he is a local Blest, married between the Javanese and the Alas tribe. Basically base is indigenous people settled in Kutacane, Southeast Aceh.

If steemian to Kutacane Aceh Tenggara, there is no harm in trying the menu at Mbak Pini restaurant..

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Sounds amazing

Thnak @luceluck glad to know you,, plees follow me and restem may articel if usefull