in food •  9 years ago 

I have been on a low carb ketogenic diet for the last 3 months. My weight loss results have removed any doubts I had about this diet when I first started. 18kg (40 pounds) down and still going. This article is not meant to get into details about the Ketogenic diet. It is just a food blog. But as you read this, I am almost half way done with a rather big article, explaining in detail how and why I follow this diet. 

To sum up, a Ketogenic diet is a diet very low on carbohydrates and very high in fat. The ultimate goal of the diet is to make your body switch from a sugar consuming organism to a fat burning biological machine. It converts fatty acids into ketones (thus the word ketogenic) and then uses these ketones for energy. To achieve this, I need to consume less than 20 grams (0.7oz) of NET carbs per day. A net carb is basically any carbohydrate that the body will convert into glucose. To find this you need to know the TOTAL carbs of your food and subtract the FIBER (carbs that can’t be digested). It may seem complicated at first, but once you get used to it, you will waste no time in calculations. The benefit of this diet is that it stabilises the secretion of Insulin. Therefore this helps you control your energy levels but most importantly your hunger. More information and details about this diet on my next article. Now let’s get to food...   


What I will eat: 

  • 1 whole avocado 
  • 1 cup lettuce 
  • ½ large cucumber (unpeeled) 
  • 1 pork steak – 220g / 7.8oz (marinated in salt, pepper, olive oil, paprika, Italian herbs)   
  •  4 tsps olive oil (2 for the salad, 2 for cooking) 
  •  Salt, pepper, oregano and a small amount of red wine vinegar for the salad 

Nutritional Information: 

  • 700-800 calories
  • 60g of fat (2.1oz) – 76% of total meal calories  
  • 40g protein (1.4oz) – 21% of total meal calories 
  • 6g of net carbs (0.2oz) – 3% of total meal calories  

How I did it:

It is important to take the meat out of the fridge at least 15 minutes before you cook it.  If you don't allow it to drop at room temperature, you risk burning the outside while the inside is still raw.  Put the pan on high heat.  Test the temperature by putting the palm of your hand a few centimetres above the center of the pan.  If you are satisfied it is hot enough, add the olive oil and then the meat.  Try not to move the meat a lot during the cooking process.  I cooked mine approximately 4-5 minutes per side.  The cooking time depends on the thickness of your meat.  Pork can be eaten 'medium'.  If you want to be exact, the internal temperature should be 60-65 Celsius or 145 Fahrenheit.  Once cooked, allow the meat to rest for 5-10 minutes before eating.

1 whole avocado may seem a lot for one person, but it is an amazing source of fat.  I prefer to get my fat from 'pure' sources such as grass fed butter, avocados and olive oil.  I cut half the avocado in very small pieces.  This half I added to the salad together with cucumber, lettuce, olive oil, vinegar, oregano, salt and pepper.  I stir everything together for 1-2 minutes.  This allows the small pieces of the avocado to slightly break down and mix with the olive oil and the vinegar, creating a delicious, creamy dressing.  The other half, I will use for garnishing.  

It took me about 15-20 minutes in total to prepare and cook this delicious dish.  I eat food similar to this every single day.  I love my diet so much that sometimes I forget that I am even dieting.  Cravings and hunger are kept to a minimum while the pounds come off.  I will write more articles about the ketogenic diet and the food I eat so stay tuned :)


My other articles:



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Awesome! I am about to start this diet soon as well! Its good to see a good example of what to eat :)

thank you

Good luck with your diet journey! For me, this is the easiest and most effective one I have tried...and I have tried a lot. I learned most things about this diet from other people online, so I will be happy to share that information now with others. So if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)

Very informative as are all your posts. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you! I m glad you enjoy them

PSA: NOT BASHING ANYONE ON KETO! I honestly have a problem with the keto diet and here's why: diet=restriction and why be afraid of carbs? Carbs from fruits and veggies are nothing to be afraid of! All fruits and veggies provide micronutrients that your body needs. A lot of people on keto eat a ton of cheese and dairy, but don't eat enough fruits and veggies. To me that seems strange. A diet can also make people feel restricted, which could later cause them to binge. It needs o be a lifestyle to be maintainable, am I alone in my opinion? Anyone else agree?