Vegan Food Shop - #5: Some Top Vegan Staples

in food •  9 years ago  (edited)

Welcome to another instalment of Vegan Food Shop. Today I did a bulk shop of some of the Top Vegan Staples. Let us take a look at what I got!

Organic Brown Rice


I have lived on just white rice and small amounts of vegetables for long periods of time and it has been fine. Indeed around two thirds of the world’s population survive on mainly rice, getting on average 75% of their daily calories from it.

But if you really want to give a boost to your vitality and overall wellbeing then choosing Brown Rice instead of the degraded white version is the best option.

In an effort to extend the shelf life of rice, companies have resorted to removing parts of the rice grain that are more susceptible to rot and mold. In processes known as dehusking and milling the outer part of the grain is removed to make it more easily stored and digested.


This may prevent early spoilage, but it significantly reduces the nutrients of the food. This also alters the flavour, texture and overall appearance of the rice. This all makes is less healthy. But Brown Rice exhibits many health enhancing properties.

This study details the increased health benefits of Brown Rice over White:

[Brown Rice (BR)]…contains more nutrients compared to the milled rice i.e., 10 times gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and about 4 times dietary fiber, vitamin E, niacine and lysine, and about 3 times B1, B2 and Magnesium. Saikusa et al. reported that γ-amirobutyric acid (GABA) increased dramatically if BR is soaked in water at 40 °C for 8–24 h. The phenolic compounds are also reported to be more abundant in BR and GBR. These nutrients accelerate the metabolism of the brain and help in preventing major diseases such as gastrointestinal cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetic and beriberi, constipation, and Alzheimer’s diseases. Jeon et al. concluded that GBR may be effective for suppressing liver damage.

Study cited:

Organic Tofu

Tofu is loved by people who don’t eat animal products because of it being such a great source of protein. Contrary what many people may think, some of the best sources of protein are found away from animal products in soya bean products like Tofu.

In fact the frequent consumption of animal products has been shown to lead to health implications. Please see earlier issues of my Vegan Shop series for more information on this topic.


Protein is a vital macro nutrient and the body needs it in order to function properly. So getting the best and most pure form of protein is vital to secure a healthy musculature.

Here is a nice short video about some of the top health benefits of Tofu:

Organic Red Lentils

Red lentil are a true super food as well a great staple to a vegan diet. Let us explore some of the amazing qualities of this food now.

Studies seem to suggest that Red Lentils are capable of restoring artery health and decreasing blood pressure, thus being a stellar preventative measure against Atherosclerosis, or thinning of the arteries, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

Lentils are an excellent source of iron, which is needed for the body in order to maintain optimum hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin is a red protein that is essential for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates. This is why iron deficiency can be very deleterious to health.

Lentils are also a great for preventing many other ailments:

I often blend them up into soups with other vegetables too, like Kale, Potato and Carrots. I will be doing an episode dedicated to leafy green vegetables and how amazing they are for health in an upcoming edition of Vegan Shop.

Organic Oats

I have loved Oats for as long as I can remember and so have many others. There is nothing better after waking up on a cold winter’s morn than to brew up some piping hot oats perhaps infused with a nice helping of banana.

Along with Brown Rice, Oats are also my favourite wholegrain. They are a true super food and there are some good reasons for why they are so popular among all types of diets in the Western world.

Oats contain the highest amount of something called soluble fibre per portion than any other grain. It helps your digestive system trap and remove the substances linked to the high levels of the bad type of LDL blood cholesterol.

Some studies have demonstrated that individuals who eat a mere 3g of soluble fibre a day can mitigate total cholesterol levels between 8 to 23%, and given that a single cup of oats has 4g they are an excellent and easily prepared source.

These factors and many, many more I do not have the space to include here are the reason why this super grain is seen a literal panacea for heart disease.

Organic Quinoa

This titan super grain has received much attention in recent times from the health and fitness industry and nutritional science community, and with worthy reason too.

However, thousands of years ago the Incas discovered how great it was for humans to eat. It has been called the gold of the Incas as they believed it made their warriors stronger in battle. For this reason they dubbed it the ‘mother grain’.

Today modern science has reviled that Quinoa is excellent source of dietary fiber, protein, iron. It also contain many essential micro nutrients too like copper, thiamin and vitamin B6.

According to Live Science:

A 2009 article in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture stated that quinoa’s "unusual composition and exceptional balance" of protein, oil and fat, as well as its minerals, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins, make it a highly nutritious food. The article also noted that phytohormones are found in quinoa, unlike many other plant foods. Phytohormones help regulate plant growth. Some types, called phytoestrogens, are being studied as a treatment for menopause symptoms because they sometimes behave like estrogens in the body.

Study mentioned in quote:

Organic Wholegrain Pasta

Just like with Rice, it is always better to buy and consume Wholegrain Pasta. It contains more macro as well and micro nutrients overall.

Wholegrain pasta has large amounts of, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and magnesium while the refined pasta equivalent has only minor amounts.

Each mineral has a certain role to play in one’s body. Phosphorus helps maintain energy production for example, and reduces muscle fatigue and aids in tissue repair, all vital processes.

Furthermore, magnesium is required for strong bones and a properly functioning nervous system as well as allowing for a balanced regulation of one’s blood sugar.

These are some examples of why it is important to get your essential nutrients form whole foods. As non whole foods are just empty calories and do provide you with what your body needs to maintain itself.

Wholegrain Pasta is also good for weight loss as it promotes a reduction in appetite and thus over-eating:

So that was some of my Top Vegan Staples. I hope you enjoyed the article and found it informative. For more great content concerning health and wellbeing, form nutrition to exercise feel free to:

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Do you incorporate much tempeh into your diet? Where I am located, tempeh is cheaper than tofu, and I like it better. Very nutty taste and a great texture for soups that would traditionally contain meat.

No. I eat as fresh as possible. I would rather eat fresh soya beans or fresh tofu.

Looking at the products, I guess that you must be from UK :-)

yes :)

mmmmm... third world food.

Many countries without the access to the technology we have in the West eat more healthily.

eating healthily is a matter of choice in a prosperous society. technology is not necessary for proper eating, i agree. the hunza people would not benefit from having a McDonald's. i do not include myself in your, "we in the west" i eat just fine. i applaud your dedication to organic. anything else is slow death. many people do very well by restriction of carbohydrates. resistant starch being preferable. since i have completely eliminated grain and potatoes, from my diet, i have experienced a clarity of mind and improvement in all systems heretofore unimagined. this, it turns out, was primarily due to the elimination of lectins in seed foods, grains, nuts, and beans, with a few exceptions. also, alkaloids found in nightshades. i experience less digestive trouble and am nearly devoid of joint pain, that i had since childhood. i have experimented with many diets, over 25+ years. to be my best, and do my best, i need to eat what i was evolved to eat. subsistence is denial of my best self.

99.99% of humans are eating degraded, under nutritional foods, even if they are so called organic and vegan. This is because most do not eat raw, freshly picked truly organic food, say from your own garden or farmers market for every meal every day. Also there are poisons in the earth, water and air in this age and this prevents food from having proper nutritional content. Digestive trouble is probably some form of parasite, as 1 out of every 7 humans have them and they cause all manner of physical and mental problems. Also proper exercise is needed along side a mostly if not all fully raw vegan diet for optimum health. You can see my Yin Yoga series for more details on the best methods.