RE: The Food I eat for post-training Recovery | DTube Video

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The Food I eat for post-training Recovery | DTube Video

in food •  6 years ago 

I disagree completely. You have to take into account dietary thermogenesis, so it is not as simple as carbs that are not used gets stored as fat. Carbs get used as heat or energy and for it to be converted to fat you will have to overeat to a great extent. The exact figure is unclear although one study showed it would have to be around the 15g of carbs per kg of bodyweight for you to start gaining a small amount of weight from it.

It is true carbs will spike your insulin level, although this alone should not be a problem. The problem arises when we eat a lot of fat along with carbs, which prevents the carbohydrates from being efficiently absorbed, hence causing a high fasting insulin level (longterm aka T2D). We can't blame the carbs because if you ate a high carb diet (low in fat) your fasting insulin levels would be low. As we see in the Asian populations in the past who lived on mostly white rice, starches and fruit.

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"one study showed it would have to be around the 15g of carbs per kg of bodyweight" With my 100kg weight I should eat 1500 g of carbs a day. That's 9kg of potatoes or 5kg of pre-cooked rice. Great study. I smell bs.

I would argue more but with someone that knows what he/she is talking about.

Nice job trying to insult me in your response, something which I didn't do to you. It shows a lot about your character when you can't have a discussion on nutrition without getting personal.

The conversion of carbs to fat is known as de novo lipogenesis. It is a very inefficient process and even though theoretically it is possible, realistically it is not because as you pointed out 9kg of potatoes a day is ALOT! Who do you know that just eats white rice, potatoes and fruit smoothies and gains weight from them?? My 400lb neighbor is not obese from KFC right he's obese from white rice lol. I can point at skinny Asian populations who were doing it for centuries. It's only now that the obesity and T2D rates in those populations are increasing as they add more fat and protein (in the form of animal products).

Oh and some references for you to check out as this will also be my last response:

The China Study - T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell
The Starch Solution - John McDougall
Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes - Neal Barnard
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Caldwell Esselstyn

All the info I have mentioned is reinforced in those books, with clinical data base studies to back it up. It's up to you if you want to read it.

It wasn't my goal to insult you. I just don't understand how you can still think that getting 15g of carbs per 1kg of body weight is good for you.

If you don't understand the potato example let me make it even more clear. 15g of carbs per day, per kg of body weight, means that 100kg person would have to eat over 6000 kcal a day of carbs alone.

Please don't try to be smart when u lack the basic knowledge.