Confessions of a Chocolate Snob, A Very Chocolaty Market Friday @dswigle

in food •  6 years ago  (edited)

Confessions of a Chocolate Snob

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(yeah, those are bunny bums)

White, dark, or milk, with or without nuts, of chocolate, I am a fan. But I have to confess I am hard to please when it comes to this petite addiction. It has too be good chocolate ... lots of of cacao, or cacao butter if it is white chocolate, lots of fat and not a lot of sugar filler. Number one ingredient on most commercial bars ... sugar. If that is what is up for grabs, I'll just skip it thanks. I am a chocolate snob and there is no going back. Once you've tasted good chocolate, you've learned what is not good chocolate, no matter how tempting it might look.

(Now, I am going to tempt you)
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My favourite downtown Vancouver chocolate shop is Daniel's, but these shots are from Rocky Mountain Chocolate. I find they over sugar their products, just a tinge. But the store looks beautiful, definitely a kid's dream. The tourists love it too. It is a super fun place.

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Rocky Mountain is famous for their candied apples. Here they excel. My son and I often grab one and enjoy eating it on the steps of the nearby art gallery. It was the day before Easter when we went in and so that called for a seasonal one. Unfortunately, they were down to one style of apple but it was bunnies; we'd made it just in time.

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Into the bag went a guy in attendance but not featured in the photo. Poor fellow did not fair well on his trip around town and back home. We named him Loppy.

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Not to worry, he still tasted just fine.


Big shout out to @dswigle for hosting Market Friday.

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Yes I dont care for cheapo chocolate. Imagine that coming from a tight wad! Some can be so waxy, yuck. A great MF post! Glad to see you taking part in the fun.

Thanks, Paul. There is paying too much for a name and then there is paying too much for the worthless. Mass produced chocolate is only a sugar fix. Good chocolate is worth it:)

It's working! You have tempted me terribly

Chocolate is gewd:) Go get some:)

I do have some... not anything as nice as that though!

But delicious:)

Great stuff. I'm the same... good, high cacao-content chocolate is the best. My preference is the darker the better but the 100% makes my lip curl a bit :P



Yeah ... 100 percent. I do not think I am up for that. I have found the best for me 78. It is still full of all the good stuff but smoother to the taste:)

yeah, nice and smooth. My optimal dose is around 85% Yum :P


That place is very inviting, tempting but it's also very bad for my diet :)

Oh yes ... erikah. Fortunately it is a nice to walk to get there and back and tend to plan the apples as an event, watching the other things I consume that day:) They are worth it one or twice a month:)

Chocolate, my mouth is crying. My country is a cocoa producer. In a project that we did in the educational institution where I work. We process the cocoa seed up to the chocolates. The result was rewarding. Memory of a past not too distant. Greetings friend.

Thank you, Cordero. Where are you from?

Very sweet posting. I like your market!

Thank you, blue. Nothing beats a chocolate market:)

Agree! As you say, quality chocolate!

I'm not really a chocolate connoisseur, but if I have chocolate at Easter, it has to taste like Easter chocolate - the kind they make in those hollow eggs or bunnies. I used to like dark chocolate but I OD'd on 80-90% cacao and now I can only stomach milk chocolate

I understand what you mean. I discovered the perfect percentage is 78. Often what I will do is mix my dark chocolate with white chocolate. Yep ... I'm a rebel:)LOL

this is a delicious chocolate cake it seems, I want to be able to enjoy your homemade results, hopefully you can become a cook chef yes

Perhaps. You never know. Thank you, Fikar.


Lol!!! Loppy! I actually was imaginging him as a totally different character

Yes ... poor Loppy was finished off with a cup of coffee:)

Can I have one of everything. The little bunny is just too cute for words.

Thank you, sunscape:) You can have as many as you like:)

Mmmh delicious 😋

He was:) Thank you, May:)


Thanks, moon:)

Dark's my favorite... poor Loppy, his ears fell down, haha why do we eat rabbits at Easter?

Cuz ... they dip themselves in chocolate ... lol:)Actually I think it is because they are a symbol of fertility and sympathetic magic to bring on spring and renewal.

Haha well it better be dark, mind you, I do love all chocolate, and if it brings on Spring, cant wait.
