SteemitPublication food/recipe topics #5

in food •  7 years ago 

Tasting France in Japan🇫🇷| Ramengirl🍜일본에서 프랑스 맛보기

으로 @ramengirl


Tasting France in Japan🇫🇷일본에서 프랑스 맛보기


I like Japanese food a lot, but I started to missing another food since I have been eating Japanese for a few days, I don't know if you know that feeling or not. Especially croissants and coffee!! So I went to Brioche Doree for have breakfast :)

저는 일식을 너무 좋아하는데요, 몇일동안 계속 먹으니 아무래도 다른 음식들이 생각나기 시작하더라구요, 특히 빵순이인 제게 가장 생각났던건 크로와상 한조각에 아메리카노!! 아침부터 크로와상을 먹으러 가봅니다^^

Brioche Doree in Fukuoka

Actually, there is Brioche Doree in South Korea too! But in Busan which I live, we only have one small Brioche Doree store, sadly :( If you have Brioche Doree in your country please let me know with your comment! ;)

사실 브리오슈 도레는 한국에도 들어와있어요! 서울에는 매장도 크고 많은걸로 알고있는데 부산에는 신세계 센텀시티점내에만 입점되어 있어요. 푸드매장에 입점 해 있다 보니 안타깝게도 크기도 작고 종류도 그리 다양하지 않습니다ㅜㅜ




I visited the one in Marui Department store at Hakata station. There was a lot of croissants and sandwiches, I was so happy ;) The most famous basic croissant was $1.9 in Japan, which is much cheaper than $2.8 in Korea! Also variety sandwich were also $4 to $6, I think it was reasonable price.

저는 후쿠오카 하카타역 마루이 백화점에 입점되어 있는 매장을 방문했는데요, 크로와상과 샌드위치 종류가 너무 많더라구요^^ 가격도 이정도면 훌륭했구요~! 브리오슈 도레에서 가장 유명한 기본 크로와상은 1,900원정도로 우리나라 2,800원보다 훨씬 저렴한 가격이였어요! 다른 샌드위치 종류들도 4000원대에서 6000원 사이로 부담스럽지 않은 가격이였습니다.


I ordered a ham cheese croissant sandwich and a Reuben sandwich and also ice americano and orange juice. I ordered it as a set, so I only add about $1 for the drinks. Total it was over $10 which is not bad :)

햄치즈 크로와상 샌드위치와 루벤 샌드위치를 주문 했어요. 음료는 아이스 아메리카노와 오렌지 쥬스를 각각 한잔 씩 시켰는데, 세트로 주문하니 1,000원 정도만 추가하면 되더라구요~! 이렇게 해서 모두 다 만원 조금 넘는 가격 이였습니다^^



The Danish bread was so crispy outside and so soft inside, and the beef pastrami, sour craft, and Emmental cheese were perfectly mixed. when I had a bite this warm sandwich it was like heaven!! It was so addictive taste!!!

겉은 바삭바삭 속은 촉촉한 데니쉬 식빵안에 비프 파스트라미와 사우어크라프트 그리고 에멘탈치즈가 완벽하게 어우러져 따끈따끈한 샌드위치를 한입 베어무는순간 천국이 따로 없더라구요^~^ 정말 중독되는 맛이였어요!!

Thai Peanut Chicken Pizza (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

By: @gringalicious

Happy Monday evening, My friends! Let’s talk pizza......

So pizza, yeah, I was making pizzas the other night and I realized that I didn’t have this one on the blog. When I make pizza (like every few days because my brothers are obsessed) I usually stick to basic pepperoni for the picky eaters in the house and then do something more fun for those who have some imagination.

Thai Peanut Chicken Pizza (5).jpg

This time I went with Thai peanut, which is one I make all the time so I can’t figure out why I’ve never shared it before, but at least I have now. I kind of feel guilty actually, like I’ve been stingy all this time, you may not have known what you were missing but I did.

Thai Peanut Chicken Pizza (7).jpg

Thai peanut sauce is a very specific flavor and it’s not everyone’s thing but if it’s your thing then you need to make this because I know you’ll love it.

Thai Peanut Chicken Pizza (6).jpg

The sauce is really quick and easy and if you’re in a hurry you could even buy some refrigerated pizza dough and crank this out in about 45 minutes. But if you have just a little while to let the dough rise you should definitely make it at home because it’s so much better that way. Happy face-stuffing!

Thai Peanut Chicken Pizza..jpg


travel the world #388: Japanese Soulfood Tempura

By: @knozaki2015

Japanese Soulfood Tempura

Today I want to introduce another Soulfood from Japan. It is called Tempura and basically a chef fries them. The origin is from Portugal but the Japanese cooks have perfected the food. For me Tempura is Foodart

Tempura Lunch

2017-06-09 12.58.00

2017-06-09 13.14.31

2017-06-09 13.19.25

2017-06-09 13.20.01

2017-06-09 13.22.28

Siri's Breakfast #6. 시리의 아침 여섯번째

By: @@siritable

Siri's Breakfast #6. 시리의 아침 여섯번째

시리테이블 그림1.jpg


오랜만에 나의 목표 리스트를 꺼내보았다.
매일 가지고 다니면서 보라는 멘토님의 말씀을 항상 알고는 있지만
실천하기가 참 어려운 것 같다.
겨우 종이 한장인데 말이다.

After a long time, I took out a list of my goals.
My mentor told me to carry the target list all the time.
It seems difficult to practice.
It's just a piece of paper.



Sausage Bacon Roll
Kale green vegetables


오늘 메뉴는 소세지베이컨롤이다.
모닝빵에다 소세지를 놓고 베이컨으로 돌돌 말아 지글지글 구워본다.
케일그린채소로 플레이트를 채우고 소세지베이컨롤을 올려본다.

Today's menu is sausage bacon rolls.
Place sausage in roll of bread and cover with bacon.
Fill the plate with kale greens vegetables and place the sausage bacon rolls.



오늘 플레이트를 보며 스스로 만족하고 있었다.
기대에 부푼 마음과 함께 그이를 불렀다.
그이는 나의 예상을 항상 넘어선다.

"밥 줘"


Looking at the plate today, I was satisfied with myself.
I called him with anticipation.
He always goes beyond my expectations.

" Give me a rice. "


Better Than Any Restaurant: Mom's Cooking Part.3 秀秀我家大厨的手艺,据说比餐馆做的都要好吃 第三集

By: @stacee

Sunday is time for my mum's cooking show, and today the chef's menu is the turtle! Actually it is soft-shelled turtle, which is said nutritious in China. But I felt so scared to eat it and my mum was totally pissed-off, lol. There were some other guests visiting my parents today but they apparently love it.


Soft-shelled turtle stew. It look quite scary to me, but my mum think it looks at least better than crabs...

到现在看图片还觉得挺吓人呢, 看到这么大的图片这是对我幼小心灵的有一次暴击

This week Shanghai is attacked by heat waves, the temperature hits 40 degrees in past couple of days so we have lots of cold dishes. This one is preserved eggs with pickles and spring unions.

Taste like jelly

Fungus seasoned with vinegar and chilli oil.

Cucumbers with garlic and black pepper

Boiled green soy bean

cowpea stir-fry

Leek pie


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