What can we put in a smoothie?

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)


I like to drink smoothie. It seems to me a healthy, satiated snack, and the taste is absolutely delicious. The good part is that in a smoothie you can add all the ingredients you prefer.

Smoothie is a healthy drink if we make the right combinations, but if we put too much protein and carbohydrates in the drink, we get a calorie bomb and we do not want that!

What it should contain?

Protein, a small amount of protein is enough. They are necessary for the muscular system and give us a feeling of satiety. We can get them from a healthy source such as Greek yogurt, soy milk, etc

Fats, helping the health of the cardiovascular system. If you have not already put yogurt in the smoothie you can add avocado or peanut butter in small amount.

Carbohydrates, 1 single banana would be enough or a quarter of oat cup.

Vegetables and Fruits. Spinach and kale leaves will give you energy for the whole day. Carrots, cabbage, tomatoes and cauliflower will add extra vitamins and minerals to your smoothie.


For example, this smoothie recipe made from a simple combination can help you against aging and help your brain.
You need:

  • 4-6 cups of kale cabbage

  • 2 green apples

  • 1/2 cup coconut milk

  • ginger root to taste

Bon Apetit!

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I like to put green tea powder in my smoothies x


Cutting MANGO like a pro



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