WTF is a flexitarian anyway?

in food •  7 years ago 

I was talking with a friend about my new-found consciousness and how I'm trying to eat less meat, save the planet and all that home. I still eat meat when I'm out - a good burger, a perfect stake, pass me the pepperoni pizza! - and maybe on the weekend when I feel like. But in rest I'm moving towards plant-based diet.

He observed that I am a FLEXITARIAN!.
WHAT did you call me? , I jumped. No, seriously I did not hear it. But sounds dirty.

Every lifestyle needs a cookbook!

He explained that these people call themselves now flexitarians when they are mostly vegetarians but like, still eat meat and fish and whatever else they want when they feel like. Apparently it's a big trend this year and it's only going to get bigger as meat becomes more expensive and also, more people realize that eating meat is bad for the planet. It sounds to me like heaven:
Here we have a plan that is both delicious, easy to follow aaaand socially acceptable. Perfect, no people to heckle you about your food choices, no one to try to convert you to their food-religion and will the benefits of a clear conscious.

The savvy reader might wonder now if that's not actually a bit like cheating. I'd say is more like an open relationship. Sure, you love your partner and all that jaxx but sometimes you crave..and you give in to your cravings and everyone is happy.
WAIT: isn't "open relationship" code for "relationship...but with cheating"? Free pass to swipe and match and be guil-free while at it. What's the fricking point anyway? <-- theme for another blog.

Back to the main point...where do you draw the line from flexitarian to normalitarian. In my opinion, it's all about intent and effort. If you try to eat less meat and you try to incorporate more plants in your diet, refrain from buying meat at home and experiencing with vegetarian/vegan options then friend!...are a Flexitarian!

Also, statistically, you are less dangerous for the animals around you so there's brownie points for that, right?

Anyway, I feel good about myself now so of course I had to get a huge stake to reward myself for this.
Baby steps...

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Not only bad for the planet and health but also insanely cruel to the sentient being force to feel pain that could have totally been avoided.

totally agree, the main reason i'm moving towards vegetarianism is this one.

True, but you're not going to turn meat eaters into vegans or even vegetarians over night. I think the idea of having meatless Mondays and tofu Tuesdays is a good one because folks can see how satisfied they can be by giving up animal products one day out of the week -which is better than none. As these people learn more about reasons to change the eating habits they've had all of their lives, many will slowly move towards giving up animal products. It's hard to change an ingrained culture, and it's almost impossible to do it overnight.

Upvoted and Resteemed. Thanks!

True! And I totally agree! I eat meat in the past and it took me sometime to reduce my consumption to 0. Helping people to reduce their consumption makes a lot of sense. I was vegetarian for 5 years and I was vegan in principal during those 5 years but I just couldn't push myself to do it. I've been vegan for the past 2 years now.

Keep it up guys! I think society as a whole is moving toward there.

Sounds confusing to me. I say just eat like a caveman did! No processed garbage

That sounds like paleo diet.

Sounds good to me
Just wanna stay away from anything processed.

This is the first I have ever heard of the term flexatarian. Yes, a steak sounds good right now!

funny post
i did not know about this concept, but seems fair to me
keep eating healthy! cheers @razvanelulmarin!

I like how easy going this label is, flexitarian. Alas there's a term for people that are slowly transitioning or those that don't quite fit in a label. Everyone can be happy no matter where you are in your food label journey. Everyone can be flexible and more conscious without feeling left out or judged. I'm a fan.

Thank you for the article! Cause I've stopped eating red meat, but I still eat chicken. So I don't know how it calls =)

I believe this movement will turn this planet into a better understanding why some people become vegetarians. And its better eating meat from time to time than eating it every day​. I do really hope it will change the situation