in food •  6 years ago 


  1. EGG WITHIN AN EGG : this occurs due to the reversal in the direction of an egg in the wall of the product. One days egg is added to another days egg and shell is formed around both.

  2. DOUBLE YOLK EGG: this occurs when two yolks are released at the same time or when one days yolk is lost into the body cavity and released together with the next days yolk.

  3. YOLKLESS EGG: this is caused by a bit of tissue slough off from the oviduct, this tissue stimulates egg production in the oviduct.

  4. BLOOD SPOT: caused by rupture of one or more blood vessels in the ovary.

  5. MEAT SPOT : caused by tissue cut during ovulation

  6. SOFT SHELLED EGG: occurs when egg is prematurely laid.

  7. YOLK MOTTLING : caused by uneven distribution of water in the egg or separation of vitelline membrane from the thick ALBUMEN.

  8. THIN SHELLED EGG: caused by a result of dietary deficiency of Calcium and PhosphorusIMG_-2907jl.jpg

OFF COLOUR OR OFF FLAVOR : dietary ingredients are the cause.
I hope you have learnt something new.

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So long as it tastes good when i fry it in my pan i care little about the anomalies..good piece though