Szina tree is called Mirakkal tree

in food •  6 years ago 

the scientific name of the tree is morigaa oleifera.

                                                                                            The village has been described as the Mirakal tree or Alokicha.

Four granulated Vitamin A of Gazar is 4 times higher than milk, 3 times more potassium than Caller, Seven times more Vitamin than orange, 2 times more protein than dihydrate.Moringa-2.jpg This super food has at least six times its quality, which gave it a star-

1. nutrient store :

At the beginning of the writing, it is said that the nutritional quality of Szina has been mentioned. Iron also contains proteins, vitamins A, vitamin C, potassium, calcium as well. Iron is 5 times stronger than pulp.

2. anti- oxidant mine :

Szina's leaf is called anti-oxidant mine. Of these, vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin and chlorogenic acid are present. Note that these components are beneficial for the human body. In particular, chlorogenic acid provides special work to reduce blood pressure and sugar. The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention is doing, preventing the creation of anti-oxidant cancer cells on the szina leaf.

3. dietetic resistant:

Antioxidants and iosethoscinates reduce the risk of diabetics taking regular ingredients. Diabetes can reduce by 21 percent every day by consuming only 50 grams of sasina leaves. It is possible to control diabetics by eating a teaspoon of 3 cups of sesame leaves and after three months.

4. telesaty:

Sugar oil made of sugar is really oiled. Its quality is more than any other vegetable oil. The oil is very beneficial for long-term liver patients. The quality of the food is acceptable in the preparation of szina. There is no comparison between sziraar oil to provide sustainable food for lasting food. The use of oil in pain and pain can be used as well as protecting the skin from the moisture of the winter, and oil is used in rupees.

5. cholesterol killer :

Szina may become your heart's friend by killing assassin cholesterol. Szina is being used as heart disease medicine for many years in Thailand. By 3 months it can reduce the cholesterol level by half.

6. arsenic pollution is no more :

Arsenic pollution in the water is a global problem. To prevent this problem, the seeds of szinera seed or leaves role. Even the use of sage seeds or leaves to heal the patients affected by Arsenic pollution is effective.3661_1.jpg respones: According to Dr. Lail Fuigil, there is no negative reaction to taking this leaf daily.                     1.jpg

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