sugar addiction

in food •  2 years ago 

What does sugar addiction mean? How do you get rid of it?
When we hear the word addiction, we may feel a kind of anxiety. Being addicted to a particular substance means not being able to resist its temptation. There is something that pushes you to eat it. Is this true when we talk about sugar??

sugar addiction in adults
When it comes to an adult, it is different from young ones, because you know the harms of sugar, and yet you cannot avoid eating it, there are even some people who admit the harms of sugar, but they cannot give it up, they feel a kind of satisfaction after that.

We will present a treatment for this addiction. You may think that this is very difficult, and you cannot bear life without sugar. What do you think if I tell you that you are wrong, all that is in the matter is that you are used to eating sugar and you can get used to the opposite, and all you need is a little The will, and to convince yourself that you do not need it in the nutritional sense, it remains a form of carbohydrates (calories) and nothing else, and instead of filling your stomach with sweetened foods, you can replace them with foods that contain a high percentage of natural sugar, learn how to make healthy food choices that will help you In this.

Fruits of all kinds, for example, are rich in fructose, and an apple can provide you with sugars, just as sugars do. The only difference is that sugars are just sugars, while fruits provide you with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, and although the body converts the natural sugar that it gets From fruits and refined sugar that he gets from sweets to glucose, but the difference here is in the processing of this glucose by the body, as it converts natural sugar into carbohydrates that are somewhat slower absorbed compared to refined sugar. The main disadvantage is when you eat a lot of foods that contain added sugar, which tend to be high in calories and thus provide more calories than you need and store in the body as fat, which leads to weight gain.
Tips to reduce sugar intake
It may be difficult to completely eliminate sugar from your diet, but reducing it may be easy by following these tips:

  1. Break the habit of eating a lot of sugar
    Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet should be done gradually. If you are used to eating sweet items more than once a day, you can start by reducing the number of times.

  2. Watch what you drink
    Prepare or buy 100% natural juices instead of ready-made and sweetened juices, and be sure to drink plenty of water. Read more about the importance of water to your body for a healthy lifestyle.

  3. Choosing home food
    Home-made foods tend to contain less sugar, so it is best to take care of preparing the food at home.

  4. Change or modify recipes
    You can always cut the sugar in half when preparing cake recipes or any kind of dessert, and this definitely won't affect its look or feel.

  5. Write down the sugar you eat
    Writing down everything you eat for a week will help you discover some easy sugary foods to give up.

  6. Put the candy out of sight
    Make sure you put candy out of your reach, and if you can give up all of it, that's even better.

  7. Replace sweets with healthy food
    If you must have something sweet to complement your meal, try choosing a fat-free fruit yogurt, a full glass of fruit juice without sugar, or a piece of fresh fruit.

Over time, you'll get used to a less sweet taste than you used to like, you'll be better able to choose sweet but healthy foods, and you'll feel satisfied.

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