Recipes for Making a Good Bhoi Cake is one of the recipe cakes from Aceh. this bhoi cake has a dry outer texture and soft inside. It was sweet but not excessive. Delicious bhoi cake eaten with a glass of warm tea or coffee. Acehnese also like to dip bhoi cake in hot coffee before eating. T the cake slurry so lep when entering the mouth.

In addition to daily meals, bhoi cakes are also part of the Aceh tradition. The bhoi cake is made into a part of the groom's bride for the bride at the wedding. Besides bhoi many become the fruit of the hands when visiting your home or celebration like circumcision and birth
Well, if you want to Make a Nice Bhoi Cake but do not know the recipe. Take it easy .. because the following is a recipe for making a delicious bhoi cake that you can try at home. Let's just see the recipe

250 grams of wheat flour
250 grams of sugar
5 chicken eggs
2 packs of vanilla
¼ spoon soda
1.Add the eggs and add sugar to the basin or other container. Beat until fluffy.
2.Enter vanilla and soda, then shake again until fused.
3.After that, put the flour and stir until blended.
4.Put the dough into the mold and bake until cooked.
5.Wait until cool, drunk eaten, shape according to dough