in food •  7 years ago 

Figs are the fruit of the ficus tree, which is part of the mulberry family (Moraceae). Figs have a unique, sweet taste, soft and chewy texture and are littered with slightly crunchy, edible seeds

Figs are one of the earliest fruits grown by man. Though figs are not available throughout the year, dried figs (popularly known as anjeer in India) are. Not only is dried fig tasty to eat, it has numerous health benefits to offer as well.

there are many health benefits of eating figs

cancer ; reduce the risk of colon cancer

Digestion; prevent constipation and eliminates dirhea

Calcium; avoids urinary calcium loss and stregthen bones

Diabetes ; rich in potassium regulates sugar absorption in diabetics

Heart ; lower cholesterol level risk of choronary heart disease and prevent hypertention

Improves reproductive health: According to ancient literature, the Greeks used fig as a natural aphrodisiac. Figs were considered sacred fruit and were closely associated with fertility and love. Scientifically, figs improve fertility and libido because they are loaded with minerals like zinc, manganese and magnesium which play an important role in boosting reproductive health.

figs are great source of dietary fiber and calcium

eating figs soak in milk over night helps improve sexual strength
and promote weight gain

dried figs contain phenol , omega 3 , and omega 6

fatty acids ; lower the risk of heart disease

figs contain relieving sore throat

eat handfull of figs is great way to improve overall health
and figs will improve immunity

ancient people from greek used to eat figs as they improve their man's stamina and sexual performance dry-fig-fruit-500x500HHH.jpg

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