Watch what you eat

in food •  7 years ago 

The title makes this post like one that describes about the diet, ain't it? But, this us different. I believe in eating what you like without bothering about the inches your food are adding to your waist, after all we earn to feed our tummies right. Saying that I don't mean that you gorge on anything and everything that you find. Eating healthy and fresh food is more important that eating.
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People desire to earn more money and they actually mean business by hook or crook. Adulterated food is a major industry and people tend to buy them without knowing what harm it may cause to them.

The tasty looking cake and sweets remain so for days at the counter in the shop without changing it's color or texture, have you ever bothered why? Well, I am not a great cook, but I do try some bake recipes that I find online. No matter how hard I try, I can never make my cake look as fresh and lively as the one that we get at the bakery. To understand the techniques of baking more, I ended up at a professional baking course and there I got to know the usage of a special chemical compound 'sodium hydroxymethylsulfinate' which is also known as 'rongalite'.

Those who don't know what 'rongalite' is, then let me tell you it is a slow poison that burns your intestines and can also cause cancer in you. This special chemical is very popular in dye industries. This is easily available online and is a best kept secret from the food industry.

So next time you get to see something tempting worth not resisting then you need to think about what you are doing with your health. Are you living to eat or eat to live is totally your decision.

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my personal opinion in every time
i'm eat to live
good post dear

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank u @nourtawfiq please vote and keep following for more

Living rightly is important also

Very true @knightsgabby keep following

We all need to know this. Nice work

Good post friends, also useful

eat for life