RE: Taco Tuesday for #TastyTuesday

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Taco Tuesday for #TastyTuesday

in food •  6 years ago 

Oh, nice! You might have me beat now, even if the taco is just a dream...

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Finally!!! Dreams do come true. Perhaps we'll have a taco Tuesday together one day.

Haha! I'm hoping to attend the next Steem Creators Conference in Austin....

Great!! When is that? Spring, right?

Yup, here's @steemcafe's latest logo for it:


April seems so far away--and yet just around the corner. Thanks for sharing the logo. The Austin skyline?! I bet that dude lurking around in the city is in search of a taco!

Hahaha! The Loco Taco Lurker... Yup, just a couple dozen snow storms and spring will be here in no time!

I'm sure he won't have to look to far in Austin!!! Think I'll be making a few breakfast tacos in an hour or so if you'd like to join us.

Oh dang, I missed the breakfast tacos! Next time... But I'll need a few days notice for that drive, haha!