RE: TOP 5 REASONS why eating meat is NOT a personal choice...

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TOP 5 REASONS why eating meat is NOT a personal choice...

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

So i understand that this is a sensitive subject, and i didnt mean to pull any heart strings. I too desire a more harmonious food industry, but i'll draw the line where logical fallacies are cornered. The biggest trap that passionate people often can fall into are confirmation biases. I just like to present a rounded argument treating all perspectives fairly, so i feel its only fair that i reply.

Huh? I don't eat organics. My blood test results are fantastic.
Making the assumption that blood test are the a complete indicator of overall health.

Every single human being is a biological/physiological frugivore.
For tropical forested area maybe, however i would say we have never been complete frugivores but instead we would have also been insectivores eating anything else that was forregable or scavengable; nuts, roots, leaves etc. Fruitarianism i would say was seasonally/regionally dependent, and now days is more of a modern luxury.
When the climate changed 200k years ago, in some regions we were forced into a different environments, with different food sources therefore not continually maintaining a frugivorous diet, welcome in our omnivorous ancestors..
Link to wiki on the history of human nutrition

*You say all that, as if you care about the environment, and then say 'I practice appropriate animal husbandry' when such a model is far worse than growing crops. Meat eaters require 18x more land than vegans…. *
You seem to show no interest in HOW i’m being appropriate to the animals that i raise. Do you require any extra land to have chickens roaming an apple orchard?.. Nope, not when designed appropriately, it’s called layering. Permaculture techniques show how to replicate nature in order to provide a natural free ranging environment. Unsustainable MONOCULTURE is the problem here…
Check out Permaculture Principles: Energy Efficiency

And if you deny that the climate is changing….
No where do i say or even suggest this, it is my opinion that the climate is always in a state of change. You will find that if you re-read, i am only suggesting that the LINK to C02 is not valid, and is therefore not a valid argument for this discussion. Research about the effects of the onset of the solar minimum, the cycles of the moon and sun combined, and their effects on the planet.
Great info here SuspiciousObservers Youtube channel

...Even if climate change isnt entirely man-made, then wild animal and plant populations are still very much threatened by it…
Nature balances nature, there will be losses, there always have been even when humans were not even here. It is a natural cycle.

Our impact on the planet for other reasons is harming these vulnerable populations. Animal agriculture, including grazing, is the biggest cause of deforestation and desertification.
This point i will not argue, only slightly add to it. INTENSIVE MONOCULTURE ANYTHING is currently inefficient and detrimental to the environment. And we do produce environmental toxins that harm almost all life on this planet, but we are more than capable of cleaning up our act.

You're not gonna have your fantasy world of animal agriculture in the 21st century. The human population is over 7 billion. The majority of them would like to eat meat. There are factory farms for a reason. You think they want to pay $100+ a kilo for meat? Would it seriously kill you to eat beans instead?
I don't quite understand how you understand my fantasy, i did not even explain it in my post.
But let me summarize it for you quickly,** “My fantasy is a progressive movement towards achieving a harmonious relationship between all life(not specific to just animals) that is produced for the consumption by humans.”**

TL;DR: Get your selfish head out of your selfish rear-end.
TL;DR: Chill my bro, and try to see things more from a holistic perspective.:)

In summary:
I was a vegetarian for a few years, whilst doing a lot of research on all of the above subjects. I am just as passionately inspired to making a positive change when it comes to production and consumption, of which we are all learning what that looks like and how to achieve it globally.
Ill be writing some blogs on subjects like these in the future and would appreciate your opinions, be sure to follow me and comment. :D

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