In early pregnancy, many women experience nausea and vomiting. Not a few also then difficult to eat so that no food that enters the body. It not only endangers Pregnant Women, but the fetus in the womb also has an effect. Because, during pregnancy the mother needs more nutrition.
So, it takes food that can attract attention, good and increase appetite so that the intake of nutrients can be fulfilled during pregnancy. The expert reveals this some good food that can be consumed by pregnant women:
Tofu and Fried Tempe
Do not ignore these simple and cheap foods, because these snacks are better and healthier than eating chips or other processed foods. Tofu and tempeh contain protein so that it can meet the energy needs of the body. Tofu and tempeh can also be processed with various kinds of delicious menu, so always provide at home.
Food with Strong Spices
Foods such as curry, rendang, yellow spicy chicken and others that make hunger just imagine it, usually able to increase appetite. Although it is more calories than the nutrients, it is still better if you want to eat. Eating while warm is also better because it can disguise the desires of nausea and vomiting.
Eggs can be fried, boiled, boiled or cooked with other foods. Eggs have high nutrition and can meet the needs of the body, especially when pregnant women are difficult to eat vegetables and fruits. Eggs are also easy to eat and digest at any time.
Food Craved
There is a term cravings during pregnancy, and it would be better if obeyed, not because it believes in myth, but because it is the only way pregnant women get nutrition, especially when pregnant women are difficult to eat.
Rather than making a list of foods that are allowed and should not be eaten during pregnancy, it would be better to look at the condition during pregnancy, if it is difficult to eat, then eating anything you like is better than not eating at all