Helps with cough
Honey is a real lifesaver in the cold season! According to the studies, honey has proven to be the best medicine in more than 100 toddlers, over medications flavored with honey or other sweetener. Perhaps that is why the World Health Organization has put him on the list of substances that calm the cough and relieve sore throat.
Wound healing
It is not surprising that this sweet fluid is accompanied by a reputation for healing. The first evidence and use of honey in wound healing dates back to 2,000 years BC, and today manuka honey is most commonly used for this purpose. This is due to the antibacterial action of honey, skin softening and faster healing. Other types of honey can be used - one study confirmed that patients with difficult-to-treat skin ulcers came to complete cure after only 7 days of honey application.
Hair and scalp health
Do you have dandruff and seborrhea? This problem can be solved by honey! The study found that honey diluted with water (honey: water-90: 10% ratio) helped in 30 percent of itching and dandruff-induced seborrhea. The treatment lasted 4 weeks, with the honey mixture applied to the wounds on the head every other day. Patients said the itching and dandruff had disappeared in a week and wounds in 14 days.
Increases energy
There is a misconception that carbohydrates are not good for you. The thing is, they are present throughout the spectrum of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables and nuts. In addition, your digestive system needs carbohydrates to produce glucose, which sends energy to cells, tissues and organs. With its 17 g of sugar per spoon, honey is a great source of energy and a great snack after a workout. Being full of antioxidants, honey acts as a fuel that athletes need to maintain good levels of sugar and insulin in the long run.
Honey is the only food that has no shelf life
Edible honey of more than 3000 years was found in Tutankhamon's tomb, which proves the fact that it is well closed and kept in a dark place for an unlimited shelf life. It is important that it be protected from moisture, and best in glass packaging. It is best stored at a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees in ventilated rooms, and freezes at - 17 degrees and then its volume decreases by 10 percent.
When honey loses its medicinal properties
At temperatures of 40 ° C and above, honey loses its healing properties, so be careful not to use it in hot teas. Also, do not use a metal spoon for honey as organic acids and metals can react, which is harmful to health and destroys the vitamins in the product. So take a wooden, porcelain or plastic teaspoon.
Bees are incredibly valuable
To collect a kilo of honey, bees must visit about ten million flowers, and they average about 450,000 kilometers. From one collection of bee nectar to a hive, it carries a load equal to half its weight of ten grams. It is estimated that about 50,000 bees in one flight can bring about one kilogram of nectar into a hive. They also have the perfect memory for time and space, distinguishing more than 130 different scents.
Best honey - natural honey
When buying, make sure it is not fermented and chemically made by adding artificial sweeteners, preservatives and other chemicals. Honey is resistant to bacteria and destroys them in large numbers, so it does not need additional chemicals and preservatives to preserve it.
The most useful food that exists
Honey contains vitamins A, D, C, E, K, B - groups, mineral salts, trace elements… calcium, magnesium, iodine, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc… Copper, cobalt and iron in honey are suitable for the treatment of anemia, and honey contains also amino acids, enzymes and organic acids needed for the body's construction and function. The daily use of honey can help a person to maintain good health and prolong his working and creative life. It is recommended from 60 -100 grams for adults, and for children up to half of this amount on a daily basis.
Crystallized honey? Great sign!
People often avoid buying crystallized honey, thinking it is rotten and unnatural which is wrong. Crystallization alone confirms that it is a completely natural state. It occurs because glucose in honey at a certain temperature cannot survive in a liquid state and crystals are formed and honey thus has a creamy appearance.