Love Yourself And Nourish Your Body, Baby! πŸ’™

in food β€’Β  6 years agoΒ  (edited)
Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. - Kevin Trudeau

To be honest, I was one of those.

I thought: Screw it, I'm a sporty girl I can eat what I want! Well I needed to learn the hard way that this was not true. Exercise is important but it can't replace a healthy nutrition. We need both!

Since I'm facing some serious health issues, my point of view about food and nutrition has made a three-sixty. I lived quite healthy when I was at the end of my twenties, but during the past years a certain carefreeness has slipped in my nutrition schedule.

That simple-mindedness has come to an end now.

Time to wake up and embrace the great benefits of a healthy lifestyle!

@surfermarly raising a vitamin-loaded toast to the Steem community

Health requires healthy food

It's as simple as that.

First of all a healthy life requires awareness. We need to fully comprehend that the stuff we put into our body is crucial for its functionality.

We may all have our period of time where we unheedingly enjoy eating fast food - just because we can. Still it's important to recognize that this can't be a permanent condition in our lives.

It's not a short term diet, it's a conscious long term lifestyle change.

Dancing olives on my tuna salad - healthy food doesn't need to be uninspiring

A healthy outside starts from the inside

We may be experts in pimping our physical appearance, style and image. But real energy, charisma and vibes are a mirror of how we feel inside ourselves.

The best make-up in the world won't be able to cover a constant lack of sleep, missing exercise, and an unhealthy nutrition schedule as well as the following physical and mental disequilibrium.

Sometimes we need a wake-up call to remember what really matters.

Food is fuel to your well-being and happiness!

@surfermarly enjoying her apple-pumpkin-pineapple-mango-salvia-smoothie

I regret eating healthy today.... said no-one ever.

Because it's just the other way around. Everybody who has ever started to focus on a well-balanced nutrition, will agree: it's able to move mountains. Well it's able to LET YOU literally move mountains :-)

Cheers to a conscious lifestyle and a great weekend full of energy, steemians!

Remember: you're body is your vehicle - the only one capable to navigate you through this unique, inimitable and impressive life of yours.

Much love,
Marly -

PS: Don't forget that it's #LoveFriday - my favourite steemy series hosted by the amazing @liliana.duarte. Reason enough to LOVE YOURSELF today πŸ’™

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: We are what we eat! Don't be a shabby burger :-)

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DANCING OLIVES !! I like them, but hard to catch in this way :-)

Haha, that's true! Lucky me, they stayed at least inside the plate :-D

I guess they are gone now,... up to a new journey :-)

Haha, I'm pretty sure they won't come back from where they're now :-D

Agreed, funny dancing olives hehe.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

The raw truth is:

We may be experts in pimping our physical appearance, style and image. But real energy, charisma and vibes are a mirror of how we feel inside ourselves.

I like the fact that you are doing better taking a 360Β° positive turn on your diet.

For someone like me that loves food, I can never say:

I regret eating healthy today.

Please continue getting better.

BTW, how did you make the gif with the dancing Olive ball?

I'm happy we share the same vision about a healthy lifestyle :-)
Of course, I'll do my best to get better soon!

BTW, how did you make the gif with the dancing Olive ball?

Ha, that'll be my well-kept secret. But all I can say is that it's no trick or fake: they move by themselves :-)

Happy (dancing) weekend!

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Ha, that'll be my well-kept secret. But all I can say is that it's no trick or fake: they move by themselves.

Gosh. Haha. Have a happy dancing weekend too.

Which song will you like to dance to?

Oh just one song?
Hmmm... then it'd be "Waiting All Night" from Rudimental (feat. Ella Eyre) - but it has to be the live version, including the trompet solo :-)

That's a memory from 2016 when I had the chance to be on stage of an open air concert... It still gives me the creeps when he starts to play the trompet, hehe
Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Wow. This is best danced shaking the head. Haha.

The concert is really big from the attendance

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

This is that golden nugget of information: "It's not a short term diet, it's a conscious long term lifestyle change."

This is one of the biggest lessons my clients must learn! There are tons of people out there that think if they just diet for a few weeks they will be forever a healthier person... Unfortunately that isn't true, it takes a lifestyle change to become a healthier happier person!

I hope Steemians all over the world find this post and give it a read. They should all take your lead and change their lifestyle for the better!

Keep motivating! :)

Love this!! Can't believe I am only finding your account now! Upvote and a follow from me... and of course a resteem :)

Thanks for your lovely comment and great support, @annemariemay! Your energy can be spotted between the lines. Very cool!

I'm following you back! Love your sessions at the beach, that's very inspiring. I hope I'll be back on my original fitness level soon. Can't wait to feel the sand unter my feet again.

Have a great and healthy weekend!

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Your salad looks delicious!!

The males in my family have a history of heart disease, so I've been recommended to watch my salt intake (among other things). I never used to take any notice of sodium content. But ... try, for 1 day, to keep your sodium below 1000mg. (You can not go to a restaurant).

One of the reasons why I BBQ so much is that the smoke is a good substitute for salt ... but I'm essentially swapping heart disease for cancer.

As with everything else ... moderation is the key

And fasting helps a lot too.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

Oh, having such a history in one's family is definitely a solid reason to be careful. Fortunately in the families of my parents there haven't been such diseases. Still, I was smoking for 15 years, so I'm pretty aware of the fact that my body has kind of a precursory damage, and that some of my organs might pay it back to me one day... Luckily I found a way to quit 1.5 years ago, so maybe it's not been too late :-)

If I hadn't already 100 projects running at the same time I'd found an initiative in order to promote smoke prevention and educate kids and adolescents about the dramatic consequences of smoking.

But back to the post: the salad was amazingly good! :-)

Enjoy your weekend

Good work with hopping off the smoking wagon, and you are lovely, and it is not too late to recover as all of our cells are replaced every 3 to 7 years as some say, and a lot of health depends on the center of your body, the gut, the liver, and fasting can help. My dad drinks a lot and I run from that. I have gardens and eat raw garlic.

Great message (as usual). We must love and care for our body, it's the only we have (now I should repeat this 1.000.0000 times to start treating mine carefully).

Thank you!!
Yeah in the beginning it requires some efforts, but once you've changed your schedule accordingly, it becomes a benefitial habit :-)
Enjoy your weekend

Thanks for the reminder @surfermarly! Love going through my feed and seeing your positive vibes and life reassurance. It's always important to treat or bodies right, it will lead to a healthy mind!

Love going through my feed and seeing your positive vibes and life reassurance.

That's sweet! Thank you @jeffjagoe.
Hope you're enjoying a healthy and happy weekend :-)

Love your dancing salad. Oh, those are GIFs, haha, I'm getting old, haha, or not. On;y 33. Totally agree, value yourself and take care of yourself first, in it to win it, sweet sweet. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Hey Joey! Thanks for stopping by :-)
Garlic is great - definitely better than beers.
Enjoy your weekend

You too. Take care. Haha, yes, many things are better than beer. A good woman is better than beer most of all. Close to my heart, I say that.

Food is fuel very true i always start healthy diet continue it for 3 to 4 month and back to junk have to do something about it.

wawoo with that food anyone can feel better health and life like you is a gift if god you really have art of living i also want to have the life like you and your posts make me to dream about such life in which you have the food like that with traveling and much more mavilious may you have more success in future @surfermarly

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

food is one of the main cause of health problem, thats why we should eat the right food.

Keep yourself in a healthy diet
You have to stay away from alcohol because it is harmful. You are a very beautiful person who deserves all the best

My dad drinks a lot of beer and I drink coffee and juice.

morning time I like to drink juice and everytime i care about my food also say to keep care with my family and friend. Thanks for share this special post because a healthy body have a healthy brain

Great post. Yes sometimes we don't know or we don't try know that we have to eat with balanced diet.Health is wealth and we should take care of it.Balance diet, sleeping proper sleep, regular excise, and yoga helps to be health. We should do everything for our health.We should protect ourself from any disease.Hope you enjoyed the apple-pumpkin-pineapple-mango-salvia-smoothie .Looks taste.Amazing photograph.I also love Friday as i also born this day.Thanks for sharing it with us. @surfermarly

Back in 2015 i was diagnosed with the chronic disease of the kidney and i felt the importance of health after getting diagnosed with the FSGS. Healthy life style is one of the best approach to live long. Yes this is the finest tip regarding health

you're body is your vehicle - the only one capable to navigate you through this unique, inimitable and impressive life of yours

I wish you a very long healthy life and you wish me the same.

Stay Blessed Marly :)

Caring for our body with such extraordinary shakes is very easy ... Consenting and taking care of us is great ... Long healthy and active life =)

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

I crave a juice like that ... A mixture of tentative flavors ... The best should inject strength, vitality and proteins.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

the ingredients are great especially the mango and apple ... Great taste!

nice post

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Looks like a great recipie,thanks.....,,,,,,
nice photography............///////

yeah health demands too priority!

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

I wish you not only a weekend, but an active, wonderful and healthy life ... Take care always beautiful friend =)

Sometimes I wonder, that Iβ€˜m still standing.

It is a wonder you're still standing. You must be a super hero.

Very nice friend.

Eat good stay healthy....a nitritious food is always boon for our body.....

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

wow!!!!am salivating for the smoothie ,the dancing olive is captivating i would come for my own share ......i just followed you and ill be writing my introductory post soon .....hope to have you on my blog too

Thank you for sharing!
Lovely week ahead :) Upvote*****Follow

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

good food for good health