Private Tour - Visiting The Local Butcher

in food •  7 years ago 

Yesterday I was shown around at Håland Kjøtt, a local butcher at Klepp, Norway. They have a butchery and a restaurant in the same building, and I must say it was an interesting place.


They are truly real craftsmen and they use every part of the animals here. It’s also a family business and they’ve been around for ages.


Although I don’t eat a lot of meat personally, I really do respect this trade.

Meat cutter


Well hello there, traditional Norwegian open faced sandwich.



This place has everything you need, and more!


Their sausage won the Norwegian championship!

Their philosophy is to utilize the entire animal.

Cozy restaurant area in the room next to the meat counter.

I am so impressed with how clean and tidy the butcher’s place was. I expected it to be clean, but I was really impressed.

It sure was the first time I’ve been shown around in a place like this, and all I can say is that is was a fascinating place and that I regret now buying that sausage!


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Det er så deilig med slike lokal "håndverkere" Vi har ett lignende sted rett utenfor Fredrikstad. Koster litt mer, men gud hvor mye bedre kvaliteten på kjøttet der er.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Is that typically Norwegian to have butchery and restaurant in the same building? This is the first time I heard of this.
Looks cozy btw with that fireplace.

It’s not normal, but I really think it’s a cool concept! :) it was very cozy.

I'm also from Norway, but I have never heard of this type of restaurant before. So it's a pretty unique place ;)

Very nice that you write about so many fine dining places in Stavanger and the surrounding area @Susanne
This place, Haaland kjøtt, looks very cosy and the food they serve also seems to be completely exquisite. I look forward to enjoying a better meal there.
Thanks for sharing this.

Best regards

Tha k you for commenting @siggjo. I always appreciate your feedback. You should definitely Visit!

Those traditional Norwegian sandwiches look delicious!

Nice photos @susanne

Really impressed with how clean this place is. Other than the skill of the butcher, cleanliness is the second best indicator of quality.

Utilizing the entire beast is a mark of sustainability. Let nothing to waste!

place looks spotless! I too don't that much meat, but if I do, I prefer to have it from a place like that butchers. At least you know how it has been handled and that it is supporting a local business.

How is the new job coming along?

Åh, det var et kult konsept med restaurant sammen med slakteren! Kan tenke meg deg smaker en del bedre med ferskt kjøtt rett fra slakteren, i forhold til på andre restauranter hvor det fort kan ligge noen dager før det brukes.

Kult konsept. Ser veldig estetisk og flott ut. Tradisjonelt og litt moderne på samme tid! :)

Woww, this one looks real nice. I love meat a lot so this is real interesting. Yes, like you said, the place is so damn clean. I don't think I would be able to find such a mixture like this in Thailand. Thanks for sharing. The photos look real nice as well ❤

haven't seen a traditional open sandwich like that before, very interesting post on a visit to the butcher, looks like a quality place! I like their philosophy of trying to use the entire animal and minimize waste. Thanks for sharing these images you captured 👍😄