mamfaat untuk kerang

in food •  7 years ago 

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  1. menjaga kesehatan julit kita
  2. oesteoporosis
  3. cepat menyembuhkan luka
  4. meningkatkan kesehatan jantung
  5. bisa meningkatkan vitalitas pria
  6. untuk sumber protein

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  1. keep our skin healthy
  2. oesteoporosis
  3. Quickly heal wounds
  4. improve heart health
  5. can increase the vitality of men
  6. for protein sources


jangan memakan kerang mentah itu bisa picu kematian karena bakteri vibrio, dan mengkomsumsi kerang berlebihan berpotensi terkena bahaya logam berat.

do not eat raw shellfish that can trigger death due to vibrio bacteria, and consuming excessive shells potentially exposed to heavy metal hazards.

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you made me

hehe thanks for his favorite

you welcome