Ice cream smore fondue

in food •  8 years ago 

My boyfriend came to Canada by way of Germany.

Since we’ve been together, the differences in our passports have meant several important things.

It has meant that the more difficult, anxiety ridden times in our relationship have been caused mostly by things like Immigration laws. Visas. Customs Officers. Paperwork. Things that sometimes bite you in the bum, when you least expect it. Not fun things, not fun things at all.

Also, it has meant that our bank accounts have taken on the blows that come from the costs associated with trans-Atlantic flights being purchased, just to see each other.

It has meant that at family gatherings, his, the tables are covered with an astounding variety of German cakes, and I have learned that each and every one of them goes well with a glass of sekt. And that at family gatherings, mine, he has been introduced to the popular local phenomenon of all-you-can-eat-sushi. And he has proven that all-he-can-eat is really a lot.

It means that he is very appreciative of this vast land our country enjoys, and jumps at every chance to explore our great outdoors. It means that his jaw drops every time we are somewhere you can see the ocean and the mountains at the same time, which is many places in Vancouver, and is wonderful.

It means he is very fun to go camping with.

And, speaking of which, it meant that, until a few weeks ago, he had no idea what a S’more was.

I explained to him that a S’more is a melty combination of graham cracker, marshmallow and chocolate. But I wanted more to say. Because in our little North American raised hearts, a S’more really is something more. As much melted nostalgia as deliciousness.

A few weeks ago my friend had us over for dinner. And she made S’mores for dessert. Using Triscuit crackers. And a microwave. It sounds kinda strange, but it wasn’t. They were delicious, and a very reasonable introduction to the North American campfire delicacy.

When we went camping, we made them with Nutella; also a fine sub-category of the S’more.

Last week, I wanted to use up the remaining graham crackers, and ended up with these ‘Ice Cream S’more Fondue Sandwiches’. From the name, it does sound like four different foods. But it is one. And it is good.

Soft and gently spicy graham crackers hugging creamy, toasted marshmallow ice cream and dipped into warm, melted dark chocolate made rich and creamy with butter, they taste kind of like laughter, if laughter were a flavor.

So technically I still haven’t introduced my boyfriend to the classic S’more. I guess my work is still cut out for me.

For me the real star of this recipe is the ice cream. Making the sandwiches and fondue is fun and pretty straightforward, but it is a little more labor intensive than, say, not making the sandwiches and fondue. The ice cream itself is simple, easy to serve, and really outstanding. It is one of those things where the whole is so much more than the sum of its parts – something sort of magical happens when melted marshmallows are tucked into fatty dairy products. More creamy than I can describe, with a warm, toasty flavor, the taste is simple but very indulgent.

I imagine milkshake nirvana would be easily achieved via toasted marshmallow ice cream, and as somewhat of a milkshake aficionado, I think I might be the right person to test out this theory.


I cup milk
I cup whipping cream
2 egg yolks
200g marshmallows

Package of graham crackers*

200g dark chocolate
75g butter

*The ones I used were from Trader Joe’s. They are coated in sugar and very lovely. Best of all, somehow Trader Joe’s manages to convince that everything they sell is completely healthy. Even cookies.

For the Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream:

Preheat oven to 400

Spread marshmallows on foil, on a baking tray, and put them in the oven until they are gently browned. This should take around 10 minutes, so keep an eye on them!

Meanwhile, in a medium sized saucepan, heat the milk and cream together until the mixture just begins to simmer. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Slowly pour about ½ cup of the hot milk to the bowl, stirring all the time, to temper the eggs. Pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan.

Once the marshmallows are browned, you should act relatively quickly, as they harden fast. Using a spatula, place all the marshmallows into the saucepan, and stir until the marshmallows are mostly integrated.

Allow the mixture to cool at room temperate (will take about a half hour).

Cover, and put in the freezer. Still every hour or so for about 3 hours, until the ice cream is solid enough to hold its shape.

For the Sandwiches & Fondue:

Spoon desired amount of ice cream onto one cracker, then sandwich another one on top. Put them in the freezer until you’re ready to serve.

In a heavy bottomed saucepan, melt the chocolate with the butter over a low heat, stirring occasionally. Serve with ice cream sandwiches while chocolate is still warm, preferably to people with whom you don’t mind double dipping.

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  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you so much :)

Nice photos - specially the last one ;)

Thank you)

real nice post. keep posting.