Hello again - So to the business of your recent post.
How crazy that even food is trendy, for god's sake. We're living in such a 'precious, big girl's blouse, no sense of what is important or what priorities are age, is what I think. In so many ways and different aspects of life, unfortunately.
When it comes to food, I haven't got 'sophisticated' or trendy tastes. I suppose I have an 'immature nutritional intake'. . .
Let's start with the most basic, life-giving source. Water.
I like my water still, not sparkling - in other words gassy.
So you'll never see me sipping Perrier.
Next, the trendy salads. In my opinion, people think they're so classy when they ask for Rocket - and even more so when they go ethnic on the poor waiter and refer to it as 'rucola' or 'arugola'. It's not Italian, is it?
A racket is what it is. I didn't like the taste at all - it didn't seem like something that should be eaten.
But I've saved the fashionable food I find truly offensive for last, and that is Sushi. Slimy, wriggly raw fish. I know people - and kids! - love it, but I think it's awful. The one time I tried it, I had to pull it out of my throat and it felt so weird and tickly and slimy; icky, yicky, ugh. I still feel (shoulders up and down, head moving from side to side and teeth clenched in a grimace) grossed out when I think about it. And the same goes for snails. Calling them 'escargot' doesn't change the fact that you are eating slugs.
And there you have 3 examples of food people are crazy about, but I sure aint one of them.