Your addictions <3

in food •  7 years ago 

Hello, Steemians!

Everybody has addictions...

Driving to the university today I spent so much time in the traffic jam!!! I was so hungry (cuz didn't have time to eat in the morning) and couldn't think about everything, but foooood!

So I came with the idea....
If somebody asks you without what You cant live? Seriously... ppl usually answer something not sander, creative...but banally...wi can`t live without food!
Scientists prove, that when person is hungry he becomes angry and not satisfied with his life!
I even prove it by myself! Yeah...You should be very risky to talk to me when I feel that I wanna at an elephant!!!

Upset, angry and hungry, scrolling the pictures of food I spent 30 min on the road...
Here you have some of them:

McDonalds don't need to be presented. Want just write that when you are a student you don't have too much time to cook! Sorry, mom^^

I have no idea what was that (in Slovakia) but was impossible tasty!!! =D

Home-made buns with pear jam inside and caramel syrop on the top! Yummy....(btw, also for the first time tried them in one local restaurant in Slovakia! Since then - it is my love forever!!!)

And of course, pancakes! Ppl who know me good would be very surprised reading my post about food without mentioning this "sunny flour yummies" =)
My motto: If don`t know what to cook - cook pancakes!

Mrs. J. <3

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So you are studying in Slovakia and you are from Poland. If I​ guessed correctly?

it's not healthy I think... but, what to do it's looks very tasty..... how could we resist

Authenticity BOT!

Great job! We found more similar posts, but your post is the 1st one posted.
GrumpyCat /
can give you a downvote because of the copies!
Defend yourself! /

I love food, but I feel like I always want to be eating, I can not live without breakfast without any of my meals, it all looks very delicious

Food is a basic need for people so they know they cant leave without it

Food is a basic need for people so they know they cant leave without it

You get hangry? Not sure all people get so moody when they are hungry. Are you also like that if you are thirsty?

yeah my addiction is reading buying books :)

Heyyy! I'm a native Slovakian and I'm just superhappy you've eaten our national food. It's called "bryndzove halusky" - translated would it be something like "sheep cheese dumplings". I study abroad and I miss them soooo much! That cheese called "bryndza" is produced just in Slovakia. I'm happy you liked the food and be proud of it, you cannot eat it anywhere else in the world! :)

There are actually lots of benefits to Fasting!
You need breaks from eating.
Lots of research to suggest intermittent fasting is very powerful.
Our ancestors used to fast all the time.

Also Anger is due to a drop in insulin. You need to avoid sugar.

I do agree most people are addicted to food though. Specifically, carbs.

aw this looks really yummy, you make me eager to try it. all the best

Social media has almost completely changed the way we communicate and can be a useful way to stay connected to each other thousands of kilometers away from different parts of the world in just a fraction of a second.

On the other hand, social media has also made many people spend most of their time glued to the front of the screen so that cyberspace activity becomes the center of their lives. But where is the boundary line between harmless social media addiction turning into a real nuisance in your life.?

nice post! I love food. At the sight alone I'm getting hungry! everything looks very delicious! The pancakes are the most tempting me!

wow, you eat delicious food @yule4ka