5 reasons why its healthy to eat popcorn

in food •  8 years ago 

Hollywood 88 was distributed to the prestigious Oscar awards, perhaps, all breathtaking. Probably many of looking at the nominated actors, directors and film list could have chose a movie for the weekend. Watch a good movie at home or at the cinema is one of the favorite entertainment around the world. The film screening, many can not imagine without a sweet or cheese popcorn. What nutritionists think about this corn snack? Do you eat healthy or not?

Popcorn produced by heating at high temperature. Heat corn grains accumulate grain interior of expanding and eventually detonates a strong grain husk. DELTA will hear a click.

Popcorn favored by many because of its taste, appearance and exceptional ease of use. Probably, if you came to the cinema, in the air there would be no popcorn smell, even the cinema somewhat would not be so good. Today popcorn - a classy snack sold to the cinema, even not at all affordable. However, this food survived from ancient times. Archaeologists and scientists from the Natural History Museum in Washington, DC (USA) says that maize cultivation for people already 9000 years ago in the current Mexican territory, and they were made 7000 years ago in Peru.

Today, you can taste a wide variety of flavors (butter, caramel, salt, sweet flavors). Is popcorn healthy? Popcorn can be a healthy snack, if they are prepared properly, do not use too much sugar, salt and fat.

5 reasons to use popcorn:

Popcorn may be healthier than fruit and vegetables. Popcorn - cereals, all-natural product, so eat healthy. But only on one condition - Corn should be made in dry air, without any fat, oil and added sugar. Popcorn - it's the same grain, only in another form. It is hard to believe, but the Scranton University researchers found that a single serving of popcorn contains more antioxidants than all the fruits and vegetables that are consumed daily by many people. Antioxidants neutralize harmful molecules, which are present in many fruits and vegetables. Popcorn is rich in vitamins (folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, B, A, E, K vitamins), minerals (iron, potassium, zinc), and polyphenols, which may protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Popcorn is a low-calorie: 25 g only 31 calories. Puffed fat calories can have as many as three times more. Nonetheless, popcorn is healthier snack than potato chips.

It is recommended to choose whole grain popcorn, rather than those designed for microwave cooking. Total grain popcorn useful because they still remain the bran, germ and endosperm. They contain healthy fats, E, B vitamins, bran is a source of dietary fiber. Popcorn for preparing in microwave ovens, not just in the valuable nutrients, but also may be toxins. Maize made special plastic bags and there is no evidence to the contrary, that the harmful plastic material does not fall into the diet. Such popcorn formed diacetyl, which may even lead to lung diseases.

Home produce popcorn - nutritious and cheap snack. In most cases they are produced as follows: in a deep frying pan, add a little oil, place the corn grains, covered with a lid and placed on the fire. Once spit fire down immediately. Shake the skillet. When you begin to crackle more, turn off the fire and wait until you calm down. It can be seasoned with desired seasonings. Home cook popcorn much more economical than buying ready.

Popcorn is suitable even for those who are dieting. Once on a diet or change of diet, often begin to ride hunger pangs. Low-calorie popcorn fills the stomach, but not impede digestion. Popcorn is beyond glycemic index and blood sugar levels, thus helping to stay longer full. On the other hand, popcorn should not be abused. They are recommended for use in small portions as a supplement to a healthy diet.

Popcorn can help you become popular. Popcorn - it's not just food, but also the social relations-building measure. Popcorn is not difficult to make, but still many people do not pay or lazy to make their own. Therefore, the launch of the popcorn friends, family gatherings, you can quickly gain a passing favor. Popcorn cooking - a great topic of conversation with new acquaintances start. Thus, the popcorn may even give confidence to help earn the sympathy of other people and find new friends!

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I didn't know what to expect from this post but it turned out to be the best one I've read all day. I have a fish in the oven but at this point really want some popcorn friends.