✋🏾 5 Things That Helped Me Lose 6.5KG

in foodphotography •  7 years ago 

kg lost.jpg

I stepped on my scale this morning and to my delight, it read 103.00 Kilograms. On the first day of making DTube videos - at the start of this month - I weighed in at about 109.5 Kilograms. So, that’s 6.5 Kg down in a matter of 5 weeks!

I look in the mirror and can finally see the difference. My face is smaller (narrower), thanks to less inflated cheeks. The Santa belly is also mostly gone now, even though there’s still a bit to go here and there. You can probably see these changes by looking at my first few videos on DTube :)

Yes, I’ve now moved to the difficult part when the weight doesn’t drop easily anymore. It may even go up to reflect the increased muscle mass, but I’m up for it. It’s going to be a struggle to get under that 100Kg threshold, but I’m kind of enjoying the challenge.

The main adjustment I’ve made to achieve the weight loss, is watching what I eat. Like many people have pointed out, nutrition is key when trying to lose weight. Exercise is great, but it’s function is more to keep us young and strong physically and mentally. That is why you have so many people that are actually extremely fit, but are overweight and vice-versa.

Talking of nutrition, all I’ve done is cut out, as much as I can, the harmful stuff. The number one culprit is sugar. The second the processed, refined grain. Thus, my mouth came nowhere near things like bread, cake, rice, pasta or potatoes in the last month. You can call it a less-strict version of the low-carb / keto thing everyone is doing these days.

Sadly, the aforementioned forbidden food items are the ingredients in my favourite foods; cheese on toast ❤️, chips❣️, Victoria sponge cake 😍, and so on.

Apart from changing what I was eating, I also changed how. There is a huge psychological hurdle to scale when adjusting diet. For example, a lot of hunger is really thirst. The perceived portion size of the meal in front of you usually contributes to how full you think you are after eating it. Below are some of the things that helped.


Portion control

please excuse my unkempt stove surface :)

This is a classic no-brainer. Reducing the sheer volume of food I was eating helped reduce the amount of excess calories my body had to store away as fat in my abdomen. However, I made sure not to starve myself, because I didn’t want to switch my body into starvation mode. That’s bad.

To help portion control, I used smaller bowls, plates, and even pots and pans. Have you ever experienced that in a restaurant that uses oversized plates to serve food? The portion always looks tiny, until you’re halfway through the meal and think, ‘ah, actually I’m getting full’.

Less food looks like more food on a smaller plate. 🤘🏾

Kale Chips

Who needs a mouse, when you've got kale chips?

Like many of you on here, I spend a lot of time in front of my computer typing way, or editing video. This is the perfect scenario to get the munchies and snack away. Before I started with the weight loss thing, I would snack on potato crisps, shortbread and cake! While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional bag of crisps or a bite of a good cake, when you do it virtually everyday, it becomes a problem.

I have replaced those with crispy dried kale leaves, which are healthy and taste surprisingly good. They are very lightly flavoured with salt and pepper. Very lightly.


Oh coffee, I adore you

Well, nothing has changed here. I had coffee before the regime started, and I have coffee now. Ok, so I have reduced the volume of coffee I drink, but the overall volume of fluid has gone up - augmented by tea and plain water. However, my mug of coffee is a great comfort to me as I sit typing on my computer - no matter what time of the day. It is especially desired in these winter months.

Vegetable Juice

Doesn't taste that great, but I'm used to it now :)

To ensure I’m still getting all my vital minerals and vitamins, I drink a glass of juice once every two days or so. The juice is usually about 80% vegetables and 20% fruits and others. The fruits are usually lemons / limes, oranges or berries. I am highly conscious of the high sugar content of juiced fruits so I keep that to a minimum. Besides, I also eat whole fruits like plums and tomatoes. Yes, tomatoes are fruits :) 🍅

Healthy cup cakes

Not as good as the real thing, but not bad ;)

These are kind of experimental, but they are home made healthy cupcakes. The ingredients are always different, but the general idea is the same. They’re based on coconut, almonds, chia seeds, dates and other such fancy foodie ingredients that don’t spike my blood sugar. I also only eat them once in a while, just to get the feeling that I’m eating cake. To be honest, even thought they do taste good, they are NOTHING compared to the real thing. I have never found anything healthy that tastes as good as a lemon drizzle or carrot cake. I don’t think there ever will be.

I must mention also, that I do shadow boxing and skipping (jump-rope) for cardio, and I walk long distances for physical activity. One has to have a holistic approach to these things.

If you have any tips for me, let’s hear them in the comments. Many thanks 🙏🏿


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.
© adetorrent.com

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@adetorrent great article. And very realistic advice. I make my own bread with organic ingredients. What I've found is you eat a lot less naturally. Also no bloat after etc. Looking forward to following your story

That's awesome. Making your own food means you're not loading it with all the addictive + harmful junk. I'd probably have to learn how to make bread for later, as I will love to eat it now and again and not get sucked back into eating whole baguettes again :)

@adetorrent i use a bread maker. And that's same reason i started making my own

keep on keep on the good work until You have reached your goal!

One thing that I have understood is that sugar indee dis a real drug. It creates addiction and while evryone says that they know it I think we don' t really comprehend how serious and how bad it is. I am an absolute addict and I can fidn no strenght in saying NO to sweets. It might work for couple days when I am super motivated but then I fall back to binge-eating through everything that has chocolate in it.

What is your daily routing for eating? How many meals do you have? I know there are many different approaches and supposedly the right one is many meals and small portions. I' ve found out that that doesn't work for me at all. Then i started to monitor which is the time of the day when I am most hungry. My approach, which I am happy have worked quite well so far, was to cut on food for the meals I am not too hungry for, like breakfast )I know I know it is the most important meal of the day) and lunch because dinner for me is sacred. I LOVE to eat in the evenings. I have no idea how healthy or not it is but eating a bit for breakfast and lunch (still healthy choices though) and then being happy in the evening by feeling less guilty of eating all I want (most often also giving into my sugar addiction) has helped me out to balance calorie overload. :)

Best of luck with your goal. Discipline is the key. A hard key to find and keep but it is there! :)

Hey, thanks for the really useful comments :)

Yes, sugar is a terrible drug that we are ALL addicted to, and we don't notice how bad it is because it is always available - not like meth and others, so we don't see the withdrawal symptoms much. We can always run to the fridge/shops and get a fix.

I eat about 3 times a day at the usual times.. only I don't eat bread, pasta, cereals and potato. Also I try to stay away from high sugar fruits like Pineapple. Refined sugar is a NO-NO :) Basically some light meat, fish, eggs with a lot of veg. I'd say my diet is about 70% veg now, like leafy greens and cauliflower.

I think I'm used to it now and I don't get hungry anymore like in the beginning. I also think everyone is different to be honest. What works for me doesn't work for other people because our bodies are different. I also think breakfast is important (I will chose breakfast over lunch), but some people can survive without it haha. I cant. 😎

Thanks again 🙌🏿