Shrimp Jerbung Photos

in foodphptography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Shrimp jerbung
Known as white shrimp/white shrimp.The skin is white with spots that vary according to the type, there is a green spots, yellow, and black.The shrimp are mostly cultivated in aceh,there are 3 types of shrimp cerbung namely shrimp peci, bamboo shrimp,and banana shrimp.Shrimp (white shrimp) has a darker skin color and black spots.Bamboo shrimp (bamboo shrimp) get its name because of the yellow color of red spots like bamboo.Banana shrimp (banana shrimp) has a yellowish skin color.Shrimp named latin Penaeus merguiensis has been widely cultivated traditionally in several regions in Indonesia, especially in Aceh and North Sumaterta.This shrimp has become a tradition in every region in Indonesia Currently the development of shrimp farming is not only in these two areas but also in West Java, East Kalimantan, North Sumatra, Central Java, and East Java.

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