FIFA World Cup 2018

in football •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Saudi Arabia - Egypt 2-1
Uruguay - Russia 3-0
Iran - Portugal 1-1
Spain - Morocco 2-2

I got only Uruguay-Russia right. SA, Iran and Morocco all staged an upset. So that's 1/4, which makes my total result 24/38 at this point. No that great but I don't think a lot of people saw those coming. The funny thing is that I accidentally marked Iran as the winner in my prediction. That unintended prediction almost came true when Iran almost scored a goal at the last minute after having scored a penalty just minutes before.

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I thinks this is the worst day for people that play sports bet .they will not win any things

I have given up on winning this now. My aim is just to beat you. Will have a better idea after this round has finished and hope to pip you to the post.

Hello Friend. I still can not get a game right.

Are you at 0/38?

Yes 0/38. hahaha, My grandfather said, the one who loses in the game is good for love. At least there is a consolation that my Family loves me.

Wow! That's actually quite unlikely. You are very good at picking losers. Next time when there is a challenge like this, I will take a look at your picks. :D

That is not a bad idea lol.

Quite the contrary, it is an intelligent idea, see from another point, if I choose the loser he would choose the winner.

At least narrow the possibilities down to two from three. Tie is a possibility in a football game.

Seeing the positive side, just so you know which one will be the winner. because if my streak continues like this.

If your streak continues like this it will be noteworthy. Repeat it and betting agencies will begin to show interest. :D

I just found out that I won, in the bet of Japan 2-2 Senegal, my streak ended. LOL

You're right.

Cool I hit that one, uruguay - russia at least, really closed, Spain is saved without a doubt, Uruguay is for me, with a lot chances of reaching quarters without a doubt, and I don't want to be against a team with so much forward power, a spear point as they say around here.

Where the heck did that avalanche of (low-SP) upvotes come from?

Maybe some of your 1000 followers.

It looked like a curation trail because they came nearly at the same time. There were lots of Spanish names so I guess those people were Venezuelans.