Learning Foraging Tips from wild animals

in foraging •  7 years ago 

Today is the first sunny day we have had in several weeks. At 44 degrees we are finally having temperatures that are about normal for our area. I am hoping the extremely warm weather that has all the trees sprouting in December are over with.

Anyway, I went out to the back deck to check on the Camellias. That one bloom I showed a few days ago is still the only fully opened bloom. But there are several others on the verge of blooming and should be open in a few days.

Squirrels Love Camellia buds

Almost daily for the past week I have seen piles of tiny white leaves. From prior experience I knew the squirrels were stealing the flower buds and eating the juicy delectable centers and letting the outer petals fall to the deck. They do it every year and a couple of the squirrels are getting very friendly and will actually chatter at me through the kitchen window.

But I noticed they are only eating the White Flowered buds. I have 5 Camellias across the back of the deck and all 5 are a different variety. They are all edible, but each produces a different bloom (shape or color) and there are slight differences in the shape and color of the leaves.

Why do they only eat the white blooms when there are so many more blooms on the other plants. The only thing that makes sense is, they prefer the taste of the white blooms over the various shades of pinks, reds and purples in the other plants.

If you remember my original post on Camellias, Camellias sinensis is the main variety most people think of when they think of using Camellias for making tea. Makes you wonder if squirrels are caffeine addicts or something, lol.

Photos that show their preference

The above is the first plant on the right. It is covered in buds but they are all very tiny. None of them are what I would call “close” to opening.

The second tree from the right, by far has the biggest bloom bud and has more of them than the other plants. This is the plant where the one and only bloom so far opened, but as you can see, there are several in the process of opening.

Third from the right is another pinkish flowering variety. Its buds are not nearly as big, nor are there as many of them as the last plant. Even though there are plenty of buds within reach of the deck railing, the squirrels are not touching them.

These last 2 on the left are another pinkish variety and the white Camellia sinensis at the far left. There are a few buds on the next to last one, but the Camellia sinensis has been stripped almost completely bare at every level that can be reached from the deck, lol.

You can also easily see they are eating many of the top leaves from the Camellia sinensis. The individual limbs are not as tall even though the 3 left side trees were all trimmed at the same time.

Obviously, the squirrels have no idea this last one is Camellia sinensis, but it is obvious they know there is something different about it than the others. It is an instinct within them that is guiding them to the exact variety that we humans have found is the most desirable. But we choose based on science and they use innate abilities we don’t always believe exist.

You can learn a lot by paying attention to the ways of animals. If you happen across a stream or creek that animals will not drink from, it is best you do not drink from it.

If you happen across a plant that animals eat more readily than other nearby plants, that does not mean it is safe to eat as there are plants animals can eat that we humans cannot and visa versa. But it gives you a clue as to which plant in the area to investigate first. Just make sure you follow all the procedures I mentioned in Food Foraging 101- part 3, linked below.

Often my animals will behave strangely just before a bad storm that has not been predicted by the weather forecasters shows up. If you are outside and the animals turn their faces to the wind like they are enjoying it, you probably have nothing to worry about, even if the wind is stronger than normal. But if those same animals run for shelter or start whimpering at wind even though there is not a cloud in the sky, you will usually be better off to pay attention to them.

I have seen gentle dogs suddenly push their master backwards to the point of making them fall backwards. A few seconds later, a tree fell across where their master would have been. Animals can warn you when dangerous animals such as snakes are around, even if you have not seen them.

If you are in-tuned to your animals, they can be a great help to you in more ways than simply warning when a predator is nearby. But only if you pay attention to them.

My other food foraging posts you might be interested in

Edible Daylilies
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Edible Perennial Ground Nut
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garlic a must have for any survival garden
how to make diy garlic oil
One big beautiful camellia bloom
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food foraging flowers you can eat
Pine Needle Tea
Wild and Mock Strawberries
Seed Bombs
Fried Dandelion Flowers Recipe
Food Foraging 101 – part 1
Food Foraging 101 - part 2
Food Foraging 101- part 3

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You should visit Florida if you can. There are many interesting wild animals there :) https://steemit.com/attraction/@yaropol80/florida-wildlife-alligators-snakes-turtles-swamps-lakes

At 44 degrees we are finally having temperatures that are about normal for our area.

WOW! Lucky you...we're at about 18-degrees today! Total heat wave here.

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I am not sure I could take cold weather like yours. We usually have 1 to 3 days a year that it is in the teens during the daytime and a few more where it goes that low at night. We have maybe 1 or 2 nights per year where it goes into the single digits and I have seen it go below zero at night, twice in my entire life. But I have also worn shorts and tee-shirt through the Christmas holidays too, lol

About two years ago, I officially hit granny stage. I have a big furry robe and a big thick sweater. I stay wrapped up in one of them all day most of the winter, lol. Just can't take the cold like I use to.

I’ve heard that animals, particularly deer and dogs, can feel an earth quake coming. Sometimes days before humans feel it.
I have a way laid back, chill kind of dog. But sometimes, even if she doesn’t start barking like crazy, her posture will suddenly change, and I get freaked out. She’s alerted me to snakes, people, and deer in that way many times.
I’ve become very interested in weather over the past few years. Here in south west MO, the weather is schizophrenic entity that forecasters nearly never get right. Growing up here, it’s just a thang. You learn to adapt to the weather as it changes, and to never make solid plans that count on the weather. But in 2011, our house was missed by an EF5 tornado by just a few blocks. Since then, I’ve been exploring more traditional, maybe unorthodox by today’s standards, ways of reading the coming weather. (I’m not very good at it yet.) I had never thought to pay attention to my Abby to see how’s she’s feeling about it. Thanks for that tip. I’ll be watching for her to react to the weather and see what I can learn from her!

It is very good to pay attention to them. Many people pass it off as animals just being animals, but there has been too many things I have personally experienced to shrug it off as nonsense. One of our dogs is afraid of any loud noise so he always gets upsets when storms happen. But the other two are very laid back about it. On two different occasions, the two little ones became very upset about a storm, so we went to the basement to ride it out. One of them, a tornado tore through the city that is about 4 miles from us, jumped back up and was coming down as it passed over our house. It took part of our roof and you could see a path through the trees where it cut through. The other storm had a tornado that was sighted my many people but it stayed mostly up high and did not do a lot of damage. But the dogs knew something was happening.

How scary! I’m so glad you were all okay! Just another reason everyone should have a dog or two. :)